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Grébert T, Garczarek L, Daubin V, Humily F, Marie D, Ratin M, Devailly A, Farrant GK, Mary I, Mella-Flores D et al..  2022.  Diversity and evolution of pigment types in marine \textit{Synechococcus cyanobacteria. Genome Biology and Evolution. :evac035.PDF icon Grebert et al_2022_Diversity and evolution of pigment types in marine iSynechococcus-i.pdf (3.21 MB)
Ichinomiya M, A Santos Ldos, Gourvil P, Yoshikawa S, Kamiya M, Ohki K, Audic S, de Vargas C, Vaulot D, Kuwata A.  2016.  Diversity and oceanic distribution of Parmales (Bolidophyceae), a picoplankton group closely related to diatoms. The ISME Journal. in pressPDF icon Ichinomiya et al. - Diversity and oceanic distribution of Parmales (Bolidophyceae), a picoplankton group closely related to diatoms.pdf (756.64 KB)
Santos ALopes dos, Gourvil P, Tragin M, Noël M-H, Decelle J, Romac S, Vaulot D.  2017.  Diversity and oceanic distribution of prasinophytes clade VII, the dominant group of green algae in oceanic waters. The ISME Journal. 11:512–528.PDF icon Lopes dos Santos et al_2017_Diversity and oceanic distribution of prasinophytes clade VII, the dominant.pdf (2.6 MB)
Jeanthon C, Boeuf D, Dahan O, Le Gall F, Garczarek L, Bendif EMahdi, Lehours A-C.  2011.  Diversity of cultivated and metabolically active aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria along an oligotrophic gradient in the Mediterranean Sea. Biogeosciences. 8:1955–1970.PDF icon Jeanthon et al_2011_Diversity of cultivated and metabolically active aerobic anoxygenic.pdf (1.6 MB)
Balzano S, Gourvil P, Siano R, Chanoine M, Marie D, Lessard S, Sarno D, Vaulot D.  2012.  Diversity of cultured photosynthetic flagellates in the North East Pacific and Arctic Oceans in summer. Biogeosciences. 9:4553–4571.PDF icon Balzano et al_2012_Diversity of cultured photosynthetic flagellates in the North East Pacific and.pdf (6.19 MB)
Guillou L, Eikrem W, Chrétiennot-Dinet M.-J., Le Gall F, Massana R, Romari K, Pedrós-Alió C, Vaulot D.  2004.  Diversity of picoplanktonic prasinophytes assessed by direct nuclear SSU rDNA sequencing of environmental samples and novel isolates retrieved from oceanic and coastal marine ecosystems. Protist. 155:193–214.PDF icon Guillou et al_2004_Diversity of picoplanktonic prasinophytes assessed by direct nuclear SSU rDNA.pdf (700.86 KB)
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Yu J, Yang M, Batchelor-McAuley C, Barton S, Rickaby REM, Bouman HA, Compton RG.  2023.  Does the life cycle stage matter for distinguishing phytoplankton via fluoro-electrochemical microscopy? Cell Reports Physical Science. :101223.PDF icon Yu et al_2023_Does the life cycle stage matter for distinguishing phytoplankton via.pdf (1.66 MB)
Sorokina M, Barth E, Zulfiqar M, Kwantes M, Pohnert G, Steinbeck C.  2022.  Draft genome assembly and sequencing dataset of the marine diatom Skeletonema costatum RCC75. Data in Brief. :107931.PDF icon Sorokina et al. - 2022 - Draft genome assembly and sequencing dataset of th.pdf (521.08 KB)
Kuwata A, Saitoh K, Nakamura Y, Ichinomiya M, Sato N.  2020.  Draft whole-genome sequence of triparma laevis f. inornata (parmales, bolidophyceae), isolated from the oyashio region, western north pacific ocean. Microbiology Resource Announcements. 9:13–14.PDF icon Kuwata et al_2020_Draft whole-genome sequence of triparma laevis f.pdf (16 KB)
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Scanlan DJ, Ostrowski M, Mazard S, Dufresne A, Garczarek L, Hess WR, Post AF, Hagemann M, Paulsen I, Partensky F.  2009.  Ecological genomics of marine picocyanobacteria. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews. 73:249–299.PDF icon Scanlan et al_2009_Ecological genomics of marine picocyanobacteria.pdf (5.66 MB)
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Šupraha L, Gerecht AC, Probert I, Henderiks J.  2015.  Eco-physiological adaptation shapes the response of calcifying algae to nutrient limitation. Scientific Reports. 5:16499.PDF icon Supraha et al_2015_Eco-physiological adaptation shapes the response of calcifying algae to.pdf (884.42 KB)
Roux P, García-Corona JLuis, Ragueneau S, Schapira M, Siano R, Pernet F, Queau I, Malestroit P, Tallec K, Fleury E.  2024.  Ecophysiological response of the cupped oyster Crassostrea gigas exposed to the green dinoflagellate Lepidodinium chlorophorum. Aquaculture. :740644.PDF icon Rihtman et al. - 2024 - Coordinated transcriptional response to environmen.pdf (970.58 KB)
Rodriguez F, Derelle E, Guillou L, Le Gall F, Vaulot D, Moreau H.  2005.  Ecotype diversity in the marine picoeukaryote Ostreococcus (Chlorophyta, Prasinophyceae).. Environmental Microbiology. 7:853–859.PDF icon Rodriguez et al_2008_Phylogenetic and morphological characterization of the green algae infesting.pdf (1.2 MB)
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M. Lorenzo R, Neale PJ, Sobrino C, León P, Vázquez V, Bresnan E, Segovia M.  2019.  Effects of elevated co 2 on growth, calcification and spectral dependence of photoinhibition in the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi (Prymnesiophyceae). Journal of Phycology. :jpy.12885.PDF icon Lorenzo et al_2019_Effects of elevated co 2 on growth, calcification and spectral dependence of.pdf (1.39 MB)
Pan Y-J, Wang W-L, Hwang J-S, Souissi S.  2021.  Effects of Epibiotic Diatoms on the Productivity of the Calanoid Copepod Acartia tonsa (Dana) in Intensive Aquaculture Systems. Frontiers in Marine Science. 8:1386.PDF icon Pan et al. - 2021 - Effects of Epibiotic Diatoms on the Productivity o.pdf (2.11 MB)
Varkey D, Mazard S, Ostrowski M, Tetu SG, Haynes P, Paulsen IT.  2015.  Effects of low temperature on tropical and temperate isolates of marine Synechococcus. The ISME Journal. :1–12.PDF icon Varkey et al_2015_Effects of low temperature on tropical and temperate isolates of marine.pdf (1.82 MB)
Şi̇Ri̇N PAKDOĞAN, Serdar S.  2023.  Effects of Nitrogen Starvation on Growth and Biochemical Composition of Some Microalgae Species. PDF icon Şi̇Ri̇N et Serdar - 2023 - Effects of Nitrogen Starvation on Growth and Bioch.pdf (782.08 KB)
