Actual RCC staff

Daniel Vaulot's picture
Daniel Vaulot
RCC Scientific Director
Ian Probert's picture
Ian Probert
RCC Manager

Having completed a PhD on dinoflagellate ecology at the University of Westminster (London, UK) and IFREMER (Brest, France), Ian worked for the Algobank culture collection at the University of Caen before moving to the Roscoff Marine Station in 2007. Along with development of the RCC over the last 15 years, Ian has been involved in research focussing mainly on haptophytes, including taxonomy, exology and evolution.

Priscillia Gourvil's picture
Priscillia Gourvil
RCC Curator
Christian Jeanthon's picture
Christian Jeanthon
RCC Curator for AAPB
Baudoux's picture
Anne Claire Baudoux
RCC Curator for viruses
garczarek's picture
Laurence Garczarek
RCC Curator for Cyanophyceae
mgachenot's picture
Martin Gachenot
RCC assistant curator
CharlesBachy's picture
Charles Bachy
Ingénieur de Recherche (CNRS)
Nathalie Quimerch's picture
Nathalie Quimerch
sbooker's picture
sophie booker
Assistance administrative
aekervella's picture
Anne Emmanuelle KERVELLA
ABS officer
Grego Michele's picture
Michele Grego
Assistant Engeneer
Estelle Bigeard's picture
Bigeard Estelle
Curator of eucaryotic parasites
Emeline Creis's picture
Emeline Creis
Macroalgae Collection
Katell Herveou's picture
Katell Herveou
jjoannic's picture
Julie Joannic
Assistante ingérieur

Previous RCC staff

Emilie Guilloud's picture
Emilie Guilloud
RCC assistant curator

Emilie worked as an Assistant Curator at the RCC between 2014 and 2018 during which time she was particularly involved in biotech projects in which the RCC participated (NOMORFILM, EMBRIC, Polysalgue).

gouhier's picture
Léna Gouhier
RCC assistant curator

Léna worked as an Assistant Curator (specialized in cryopreservation) at the RCC between 2018 and 2022.