RCC references

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Alonso-Sáez L, Palacio AS, Cabello AM, Robaina-Estévez S, González JM, Garczarek L, López-Urrutia Á.  2023.  Transcriptional Mechanisms of Thermal Acclimation in \textit{Prochlorococcus. mBio. :e03425–22.PDF icon Alonso-Sáez et al. - 2023 - Transcriptional Mechanisms of Thermal Acclimation .pdf (1.23 MB)
Kamakura S, Bilcke G, Sato S.  2024.  Transcriptional responses to salinity-induced changes in cell wall morphology of the euryhaline diatom Pleurosira laevis. Journal of Phycology. n/aPDF icon Kamakura et al. - Transcriptional responses to salinity-induced chan.pdf (6.74 MB)
Rokitta SD, de Nooijer LJ, Trimborn S, de Vargas C, Rost B, John U.  2011.  Transcriptome analyses reveal differential gene expression patterns between the life-cycle stages of Emiliania huxleyi (Haptophyta) and reflect specialization to different ecological niches. Journal of Phycology. 47:829–838.PDF icon Rokitta et al_2011_Transcriptome analyses reveal differential gene expression patterns between the.pdf (240 KB)
von Dassow P, Ogata H, Probert I, Wincker P, Da Silva C, Audic S, Claverie J-M, de Vargas C.  2009.  Transcriptome analysis of functional differentiation between haploid and diploid cells of Emiliania huxleyi, a globally significant photosynthetic calcifying cell. Genome Biology. 10:R114.PDF icon von Dassow et al_2009_Transcriptome analysis of functional differentiation between haploid and.pdf (1.19 MB)
Liu Z, Mesrop LY, Hu SK, Caron DA.  2019.  Transcriptome of thalassicolla nucleata holobiont reveals details of a radiolarian symbiotic relationship. Frontiers in Marine Science. 6:1–11.PDF icon Liu et al_2019_Transcriptome of thalassicolla nucleata holobiont reveals details of a.pdf (7.84 MB)
Kessenich CR, Ruck EC, Schurko AM, Wickett NJ, Alverson AJ.  2014.  Transcriptomic insights into the life history of bolidophytes , the sister lineage to diatoms. Journal of Phycology. 983:977–983.PDF icon Kessenich et al_2014_Transcriptomic insights into the life history of bolidophytes , the sister.pdf (16 KB)
Lu Y, Wohlrab S, Groth M, Glöckner G, Guillou L, John U.  2016.  Transcriptomic profiling of Alexandrium fundyense during physical interaction with or exposure to chemical signals from the parasite Amoebophrya.. Molecular ecology. 25:1294–307.PDF icon Lu et al_2016_Transcriptomic profiling of Alexandrium fundyense during physical interaction.pdf (1.12 MB)
Syhapanha KS, Russo DA, Deng Y, Meyer N, Poulin RX, Pohnert G.  2023.  Transcriptomics‐guided identification of an algicidal protease of the marine bacterium Kordia algicida OT‐1. MicrobiologyOpen. 12:e1387.PDF icon Syhapanha et al_2023_Transcriptomics‐guided identification of an algicidal protease of the marine.pdf (2.09 MB)
O'Kelly CJ, Sieracki ME, Thier EC, Hobson IC.  2003.  A transient bloom of ¡i¿Ostreococcus¡/i¿ (chlorophyta, prasinophyceae) in west neck bay, long island, new york. Journal of Phycology. 39:850–854.
Bouget FYves.  2019.  Transient transformation of ostreococcus species (OTTH595, RCC809 and RCC802) and bathycoccus. PDF icon Bouget_2019_Transient transformation of ostreococcus species (OTTH595, RCC809 and RCC802).pdf (152.75 KB)
Roquis D, Cosseau C, Raffalli KBrener, Romans P, Masanet P, Mitta G, Grunau C, Vidal-Dupiol J.  2021.  The tropical coral Pocillopora acuta displays an unusual chromatin structure and shows histone H3 clipping plasticity upon bleaching. PDF icon Roquis et al. - 2021 - The tropical coral Pocillopora acuta displa.pdf (2.43 MB)
Pollard M., Hunsicker E., Platt M..  2020.  A tunable 3D printed microfluidic resistive pulse sensor for the characterisation of algae and microplastics. ChemRxiv. PDF icon Pollard et al_2020_A tunable 3D printed microfluidic resistive pulse sensor for the.pdf (916.35 KB)
Six C, Thomas J-C, Thion L, Lemoine Y, Zal F, Partensky F.  2005.  Two novel phycoerythrin-associated linker proteins in the marine cyanobacterium synechococcus sp. Strain WH8102. Journal of Bacteriology. 187:1685–1694.PDF icon Six et al_2005_Two novel phycoerythrin-associated linker proteins in the marine cyanobacterium.pdf (346.78 KB)
van Tol HM, Amin SA, E Armbrust V.  2017.  Ubiquitous marine bacterium inhibits diatom cell division. The ISME Journal. 11:31–42.
Bordiga M., Lupi C., Langer G., Gianoncelli A., Birarda G., Pollastri S., Bonanni V., Bedolla D.E, Vaccari L., Gariani G. et al..  2023.  Unexpected silicon localization in calcium carbonate exoskeleton of cultured and fossil coccolithophores. Scientific Reports. 13:7417.PDF icon Bordiga et al_2023_Unexpected silicon localization in calcium carbonate exoskeleton of cultured.pdf (2.76 MB)
Thompson AW, Foster RA, Krupke A, Carter BJ, Musat N, Vaulot D, Kuypers MMM, Zehr JP.  2012.  Unicellular cyanobacterium symbiotic with a single-celled eukaryotic alga. Science. 337:1546–1550.PDF icon Thompson et al. - Unicellular cyanobacterium symbiotic with a single-celled eukaryotic alga(2).pdf (2.25 MB)
Breton S, Jouhet J, Guyet U, Gros V, Pittera J, Demory D, Partensky F, Doré H, Ratin M, Maréchal É et al..  2019.  Unveiling membrane thermoregulation strategies in marine picocyanobacteria. New Phytologist. :nph.16239.PDF icon Breton et al_2019_Unveiling membrane thermoregulation strategies in marine picocyanobacteria.pdf (16.94 MB)
Clerissi C, Grimsley N, Ogata H, Hingamp P, Poulain J, Desdevises Y.  2014.  Unveiling of the diversity of prasinoviruses (phycodnaviridae) in marine samples by using high-throughput sequencing analyses of PCR-Amplified DNA polymerase and major capsid protein genes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 80:3150–3160.PDF icon Clerissi et al_2014_Unveiling of the diversity of prasinoviruses (phycodnaviridae) in marine.pdf (1.24 MB)
Tisserand L, Dadaglio L, Intertaglia L, Catala P, Panagiotopoulos C, Obernosterer I, Joux F.  2020.  Use of organic exudates from two polar diatoms by bacterial isolates from the Arctic Ocean. Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences. 378:20190356.PDF icon Tisserand et al_2020_Use of organic exudates from two polar diatoms by bacterial isolates from the.pdf (2.59 MB)
Paerl RW, Bouget F-Y, Lozano J-C, Vergé V, Schatt P, Allen EE, Palenik B, Azam F.  2017.  Use of plankton-derived vitamin B1 precursors, especially thiazole-related precursor, by key marine picoeukaryotic phytoplankton. The ISME Journal. 11:753–765.PDF icon Paerl et al_2017_Use of plankton-derived vitamin B1 precursors, especially thiazole-related.pdf (2.16 MB)
Coleman B, Van Poucke C, De Witte B, Casciaro V, Moerdijk-Poortvliet T, Muylaert K, Robbens J.  2024.  The use of \textit{Tetraselmis chuii as seafood flavoring agent in a vegetable broth. Algal Research. 80:103538.PDF icon Coleman et al. - 2024 - The use of Tetraselmis chuii as seafood flavoring .pdf (532.42 KB)
