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Rosas-Navarro A, Langer G, Ziveri P.  2016.  Temperature affects the morphology and calcification of Emiliania huxleyi strains. Biogeosciences. 13:2913–2926.
Rosas-Navarro A, Langer G, Ziveri P.  2018.  Temperature effects on sinking velocity of different Emiliania huxleyi strains. PLOS ONE. 13:e0194386.
Müller MN, Blanco-Ameijeiras S, Stoll HM, Méndez-Vicente A, Lebrato M.  2021.  Temperature Induced Physiological Reaction Norms of the Coccolithophore Gephyrocapsa oceanica and Resulting Coccolith Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca Ratios. Frontiers in Earth Science. 9:273.
Demory D, Arsenieff L, Simon N, Six C, Rigaut-jalabert F, Marie D, Ge P, Bigeard E, Jacquet S, Sciandra A et al..  2017.  Temperature is a key factor in Micromonas–virus interactions. The ISME Journal. 11:601–612.
Meyer C, Jackson VLN, Harrison K, Fouskari I, Bolhuis H, Artzy-Randrup YA, Huisman J, Monier A, Brussaard CPD.  2024.  Temperature modulates dominance of a superinfecting Arctic virus in its unicellular algal host. The ISME Journal. :wrae161.
Labban A, Palacio AS, García FC, Hadaidi G, Ansari MI, López-Urrutia Á, Alonso-Sáez L, Hong P-Y, Morán XAnxelu G.  2021.  Temperature Responses of Heterotrophic Bacteria in Co-culture With a Red Sea Synechococcus Strain. Frontiers in Microbiology. 12:612732.
Kulk G, De Vries P, Van De Poll WH, Visser RJW, Buma AGJ.  2012.  Temperature-dependent growth and photophysiology of prokaryotic and eukaryotic oceanic picophytoplankton. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 466:43–55.
Strauss J, Choi CJae, Grone J, Wittmers F, Jimenez V, Makareviciute-Fichtner K, Bachy C, Jaeger GSpiro, Poirier C, Eckmann C et al..  2023.  The Bay of Bengal exposes abundant photosynthetic picoplankton and newfound diversity along salinity-driven gradients. Environmental Microbiology.
Robbens S, Derelle E, Ferraz C, Wuyts J, Moreau H, Van de Peer Y.  2007.  The complete chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA sequence of Ostreococcus tauri: organelle genomes of the smallest eukaryote are examples of compaction. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 24:956–968.
Saide A, Riccio G, Ianora A, Lauritano C.  2023.  The Diatom Cylindrotheca closterium and the Chlorophyll Breakdown Product Pheophorbide a for Photodynamic Therapy Applications. Applied Sciences. 13:2590.
Vaulot D, Eikrem W, Viprey M, Moreau H.  2008.  The diversity of small eukaryotic phytoplankton (¡3 µm) in marine ecosystems. 32:795–820.
Palenik B, Brahamsha B, Larimer FW, Land M, Hauser L, Chain P, Lamerdin J, Regala W, Allen EE, McCarren J et al..  2003.  The genome of a motile marine Synechococcus. Nature. 424:1037–1042.
Zheng Q, Liu Y, Jeanthon C, Zhang R, Lin W, Yao J, Jiao N.  2016.  The geographic impact on genomic divergence as revealed by comparison of nine Citromicrobial genomes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 82:AEM.02495–16.
Karpowicz SJ, Prochnik SE, Grossman AR, Merchant SS.  2011.  The GreenCut2 resource, a phylogenomically derived inventory of proteins specific to the plant lineage. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 286:21427–21439.
Mauro N.  2024.  The influence of acclimation to density on organisms’ traits and population growth in \textit{Synechococcus sp. RS 9909.
Granata T, Habermacher P, Härri V, Egli M.  2019.  The influence of bio-optical properties of Emiliania huxleyi and Tetraselmis sp. on biomass and lipid production when exposed to different light spectra and intensities of an adjustable LED array and standard light sources. SN Applied Sciences. 1:524.
Tostevin R, Snow JT, Zhang Q, Tosca NJ, Rickaby REM.  2021.  The influence of elevated SiO2(aq) on intracellular silica uptake and microbial metabolism. Geobiology. n/a
Henry IA, Netzer R, Davies E, Brakstad OGunnar.  2021.  The influences of phytoplankton species, mineral particles and concentrations of dispersed oil on the formation and fate of marine oil-related aggregates. Science of the Total Environment. 752:141786.
Keeling PJ, Burki F, Wilcox HM, Allam B, Allen EE, Amaral-Zettler LA, E Armbrust V, Archibald JM, Bharti AK, Bell CJ et al..  2014.  The Marine Microbial Eukaryote Transcriptome Sequencing Project (MMETSP): illuminating the functional diversity of eukaryotic life in the oceans through transcriptome sequencing. PLoS biology. 12:e1001889.
Barbosa M, Inácio LGarcia, Afonso C, Maranhão P.  2023.  The microalga \textit{Dunaliella and its applications: a review. Applied Phycology. 4:99–120.
McDonald SM, Plant JN, Worden AZ.  2010.  The mixed lineage nature of nitrogen transport and assimilation in marine eukaryotic phytoplankton: a case study of Micromonas. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 27:2268–2283.
Filatov DA, Bendif EMahdi, Archontikis OA, Hagino K, Rickaby REM.  2021.  The mode of speciation during a recent radiation in open-ocean phytoplankton. Current Biology.
Wang T., Chen X., Li J.L., Qin S., Cui Y.L., Xu F..  2021.  The moderating role of population succession in the adaptive responses of Synechococcus assemblages: evidence from light intensity simulation experiment. Photosynthetica. 59:587–599.
del Campo J, Sieracki ME, Molestina R, Keeling P, Massana R, Ruiz-Trillo I.  2014.  The others: our biased perspective of eukaryotic genomes. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 29:252–259.
Bowler C, Allen AE, Badger JH, Grimwood J, Jabbari K, Kuo A, Maheswari U, Martens C, Maumus F, Otillar RP et al..  2008.  The Phaeodactylum genome reveals the evolutionary history of diatom genomes. Nature. 456:239–244.
Carrigee LA, Frick JP, Liu X, Karty JA, Trinidad JC, Tom IP, Yang X, Dufour L, Partensky F, Schluchter WM.  2022.  The phycoerythrobilin isomerization activity of MpeV in Synechococcus sp. WH8020 is prevented by the presence of a histidine at position 141 within its phycoerythrin-I β-subunit substrate. Frontiers in Microbiology. 13:1011189.
Stawiarski B, Buitenhuis ET, Le Quéré C.  2016.  The physiological response of picophytoplankton to temperature and its model representation. Fronitiers in Marine Science. 3:1–13.
Aveiro SS, Melo T, Figueiredo A, Domingues P, Pereira H, Maia IB, Silva J, M. Domingues R, Nunes C, Moreira ASP.  2020.  The polar lipidome of cultured emiliania huxleyi: A source of bioactive lipids with relevance for biotechnological applications. Biomolecules. 10:1434.
Guillou L, Bachar D, Audic S, Bass D, Berney C, Bittner L, Boutte C, Burgaud G, de Vargas C, Decelle J et al..  2013.  The protist ribosomal reference database (PR2): a catalog of unicellular eukaryote small SubUnit rRNA sequences with curated taxonomy. Nucleic Acids Research. 41:D597–D604.
Walker CE, Taylor AR, Langer G, Durak GM, Heath S, Probert I, Tyrrell T, Brownlee C, Wheeler GL.  2018.  The requirement for calcification differs between ecologically important coccolithophore species. New Phytologist. in press
Vaulot D, Le Gall F, Marie D, Guillou L, Partensky F.  2004.  The roscoff culture collection (RCC): a collection dedicated to marine picoplankton. Nova Hedwigia. 79:49–70.
Palenik B, Grimwood J, Aerts A, Rouzé P, Salamov A, Putnam N, Dupont C, Jorgensen R, Derelle E, Rombauts S et al..  2007.  The tiny eukaryote \textit{Ostreococcus provides genomic insights into the paradox of plankton speciation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 104:7705–7710.
Roquis D, Cosseau C, Raffalli KBrener, Romans P, Masanet P, Mitta G, Grunau C, Vidal-Dupiol J.  2021.  The tropical coral Pocillopora acuta displays an unusual chromatin structure and shows histone H3 clipping plasticity upon bleaching.
Coleman B, Van Poucke C, De Witte B, Casciaro V, Moerdijk-Poortvliet T, Muylaert K, Robbens J.  2024.  The use of \textit{Tetraselmis chuii as seafood flavoring agent in a vegetable broth. Algal Research. 80:103538.
Yee DP, Samo TJ, Abbriano RM, Shimasaki B, Vernet M, Mayali X, Weber PK, B. Mitchell G, Hildebrand M, Decelle J et al..  2023.  The V-type ATPase enhances photosynthesis in marine phytoplankton and further links phagocytosis to symbiogenesis. Current Biology. :S0960982223006152.
Eyal Z, Krounbi L, Ben Joseph O, Avrahami EM, Pinkas I, Peled-Zehavi H, Gal A.  2022.  The variability in the structural and functional properties of coccolith base plates. Acta Biomaterialia. 148:336–344.
Frada M, Probert I, Allen MJ, Wilson WH, de Vargas C.  2008.  The “Cheshire Cat” escape strategy of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi in response to viral infection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105:15944–15949.
Edullantes B.  2020.  Thermal responses of marine phytoplankton : Implications to their biogeography in the present and future oceans.
Caló G, De Marco MAgustina, Salerno GLidia, Martínez-Noël GMaría Ast.  2022.  TOR signaling in the green picoalga Ostreococcus tauri. Plant Science. 323:111390.
Das S, Souissi A, Ouddane B, Hwang J-S, Souissi S.  2022.  Trace metals exposure in three different coastal compartments show specific morphological and reproductive traits across generations in a sentinel copepod. Science of The Total Environment. :160378.
Turmel M, Santos ALopes dos, Otis C, Sergerie R, Lemieux C.  2019.  Tracing the evolution of the plastome and mitogenome in the chloropicophyceae uncovered convergent tRNA gene losses and a variant plastid genetic code. Genome Biology and Evolution. in press
Bretherton L, Hillhouse J, Kamalanathan M, Finkel ZV, Irwin AJ, Quigg A.  2020.  Trait-dependent variability of the response of marine phytoplankton to oil and dispersant exposure. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 153:110906.
Alonso-Sáez L, Palacio AS, Cabello AM, Robaina-Estévez S, González JM, Garczarek L, López-Urrutia Á.  2023.  Transcriptional Mechanisms of Thermal Acclimation in \textit{Prochlorococcus. mBio. :e03425–22.
Kamakura S, Bilcke G, Sato S.  2024.  Transcriptional responses to salinity-induced changes in cell wall morphology of the euryhaline diatom Pleurosira laevis. Journal of Phycology. n/a
Rokitta SD, de Nooijer LJ, Trimborn S, de Vargas C, Rost B, John U.  2011.  Transcriptome analyses reveal differential gene expression patterns between the life-cycle stages of Emiliania huxleyi (Haptophyta) and reflect specialization to different ecological niches. Journal of Phycology. 47:829–838.
von Dassow P, Ogata H, Probert I, Wincker P, Da Silva C, Audic S, Claverie J-M, de Vargas C.  2009.  Transcriptome analysis of functional differentiation between haploid and diploid cells of Emiliania huxleyi, a globally significant photosynthetic calcifying cell. Genome Biology. 10:R114.
Liu Z, Mesrop LY, Hu SK, Caron DA.  2019.  Transcriptome of thalassicolla nucleata holobiont reveals details of a radiolarian symbiotic relationship. Frontiers in Marine Science. 6:1–11.
Kessenich CR, Ruck EC, Schurko AM, Wickett NJ, Alverson AJ.  2014.  Transcriptomic insights into the life history of bolidophytes , the sister lineage to diatoms. Journal of Phycology. 983:977–983.
Lu Y, Wohlrab S, Groth M, Glöckner G, Guillou L, John U.  2016.  Transcriptomic profiling of Alexandrium fundyense during physical interaction with or exposure to chemical signals from the parasite Amoebophrya.. Molecular ecology. 25:1294–307.
Syhapanha KS, Russo DA, Deng Y, Meyer N, Poulin RX, Pohnert G.  2023.  Transcriptomics‐guided identification of an algicidal protease of the marine bacterium Kordia algicida OT‐1. MicrobiologyOpen. 12:e1387.
Bouget FYves.  2019.  Transient transformation of ostreococcus species (OTTH595, RCC809 and RCC802) and bathycoccus.
Six C, Thomas J-C, Thion L, Lemoine Y, Zal F, Partensky F.  2005.  Two novel phycoerythrin-associated linker proteins in the marine cyanobacterium synechococcus sp. Strain WH8102. Journal of Bacteriology. 187:1685–1694.
van Tol HM, Amin SA, E Armbrust V.  2017.  Ubiquitous marine bacterium inhibits diatom cell division. The ISME Journal. 11:31–42.
Bordiga M., Lupi C., Langer G., Gianoncelli A., Birarda G., Pollastri S., Bonanni V., Bedolla D.E, Vaccari L., Gariani G. et al..  2023.  Unexpected silicon localization in calcium carbonate exoskeleton of cultured and fossil coccolithophores. Scientific Reports. 13:7417.
Thompson AW, Foster RA, Krupke A, Carter BJ, Musat N, Vaulot D, Kuypers MMM, Zehr JP.  2012.  Unicellular cyanobacterium symbiotic with a single-celled eukaryotic alga. Science. 337:1546–1550.
Breton S, Jouhet J, Guyet U, Gros V, Pittera J, Demory D, Partensky F, Doré H, Ratin M, Maréchal É et al..  2019.  Unveiling membrane thermoregulation strategies in marine picocyanobacteria. New Phytologist. :nph.16239.
Clerissi C, Grimsley N, Ogata H, Hingamp P, Poulain J, Desdevises Y.  2014.  Unveiling of the diversity of prasinoviruses (phycodnaviridae) in marine samples by using high-throughput sequencing analyses of PCR-Amplified DNA polymerase and major capsid protein genes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 80:3150–3160.
Tisserand L, Dadaglio L, Intertaglia L, Catala P, Panagiotopoulos C, Obernosterer I, Joux F.  2020.  Use of organic exudates from two polar diatoms by bacterial isolates from the Arctic Ocean. Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences. 378:20190356.
Paerl RW, Bouget F-Y, Lozano J-C, Vergé V, Schatt P, Allen EE, Palenik B, Azam F.  2017.  Use of plankton-derived vitamin B1 precursors, especially thiazole-related precursor, by key marine picoeukaryotic phytoplankton. The ISME Journal. 11:753–765.
Merritt KA, Richardson TL.  2024.  Variability in spectral absorption within cryptophyte phycobiliprotein types. Journal of Phycology. n/a
