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Blanco-Ameijeiras S, Lebrato M, Stoll HM, Iglesias-Rodriguez D, Müller MN, Méndez-Vicente A, Oschlies A.  2016.  Phenotypic variability in the coccolithophore emiliania huxleyi.. PloS one. 11:e0157697.
Monier A, Welsh RM, Gentemann C, Weinstock G, Sodergren E, E Armbrust V, Eisen JA, Worden AZ.  2012.  Phosphate transporters in marine phytoplankton and their viruses: cross-domain commonalities in viral-host gene exchanges. Environmental Microbiology. 14:162–176.
Gerecht A.C., Šupraha L., Edvardsen B., Langer G., Henderiks J..  2015.  Phosphorus availability modifies carbon production in Coccolithus pelagicus (Haptophyta). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 472:24–31.
Partensky F, Hoepffner N, Li WKW, Ulloa O, Vaulot D.  1993.  Photoacclimation of Prochlorococcus sp. (Prochlorophyta) strains isolated from the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea. Plant Physiology. 101:295–296.
Lacour T, Larivière J, Ferland J, Morin P-I, Grondin P-L, Donaher N, Cockshutt A, Campbell DA, Babin M.  2022.  Photoacclimation of the polar diatom Chaetoceros neogracilis at low temperature. PLOS ONE. 17:e0272822.
Soitamo A, Havurinne V, Tyystjärvi E.  2017.  Photoinhibition in marine picocyanobacteria. Physiologia Plantarum. 161:97–108.
Dimier C, Corato F, Saviello G, Brunet C.  2007.  Photophysiological properties of the marine picoeukaryote Picochlorum RCC 237 (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta). Journal of Phycology. 43:275–283.
Santos ALopes dos, Gourvil P, Rodriguez-Hernandez F, Garrido JLuis, Vaulot D.  2016.  Photosynthetic pigments of oceanic Chlorophyta belonging to prasinophytes clade VII. Journal of Phycology. 52:148–155.
Sharon I, Alperovitch A, Rohwer F, Haynes M, Glaser F, Atamna-Ismaeel N, Pinter RY, Partensky F, Koonin EV, Wolf YI et al..  2009.  Photosystem I gene cassettes are present in marine virus genomes. Nature. 461:258–262.
Six C, Sherrard R, Lionard M, Roy S, Campbell DA.  2009.  Photosystem II and pigment dynamics among ecotypes of the green alga Ostreococcus. Plant Physiology. 151:379–390.
Shukla A, Biswas A, Blot N, Partensky F, Karty JA, Hammad LA, Garczarek L, Gutu A, Schluchter WM, Kehoe DM.  2013.  Phycoerythrin-specific bilin lyase–isomerase controls blue-green chromatic acclimation in marine Synechococcus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109:20136–20141.
Liu F, Gledhill M, Tan Q-G, Zhu K, Zhang Q, Salaün P, Tagliabue A, Zhang Y, Weiss D, Achterberg EP et al..  2022.  Phycosphere pH of unicellular nano- and micro- phytoplankton cells and consequences for iron speciation. The ISME Journal. 16:2329–2336.
Fawley MW, Yun Y, Qin M.  2000.  Phylogenetic analyses of 18S rDNA sequences reveal a new coccoid lineage of the Prasinophyceae (Chlorophyta). Journal of Phycology. 36:387–393.
Courties C, Perasso R, Chrétiennot-Dinet M.-J., Gouy M, Guillou L, Troussellier M.  1998.  Phylogenetic analysis and genome size of Ostreococcus tauri (Chlorophyta, Prasinophyceae). Journal of Phycology. 34:844–849.
Henley WJ, Hironaka JL, Guillou L, Buchheim MA, Buchheim JA, Fawley MW, Fawley KP.  2004.  Phylogenetic analysis of the Nannochloris-like' algae and diagnoses of Picochlorum oklahomensis gen. et sp nov (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta). Phycologia. 43:641–652.
Rodriguez F, Feist SW, Guillou L, Harkestad LS, Bateman K, Renault T, Mortensen S.  2008.  Phylogenetic and morphological characterization of the green algae infesting blue mussel Mytilus edulis in the North and South Atlantic. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 81:231–240.
Tragin M, Santos ALopes dos, Christen R., Vaulot D..  2016.  Phylogenetic diversity and ecology of green micro algae in marine systems. Perspectives in Phycology. in press
Cho A, Lax G, Keeling PJ.  2024.  Phylogenomic analyses of ochrophytes (stramenopiles) with an emphasis on neglected lineages. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. :108120.
Cho A, Tikhonenkov DV, Lax G, Prokina KI, Keeling PJ.  2023.  Phylogenomic position of genetically diverse phagotrophic stramenopile flagellates in the sediment-associated MAST-6 lineage and a potentially halotolerant placididean. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. :107964.
Parks M, Nakov T, Ruck E, Wickett NJ, Alverson AJ, Rice AL, Conservation P, Botanic C, Glencoe G.  2017.  Phylogenomics reveals an extensive history of genome duplication in diatoms (Bacillariophyta). American Journal of Botany. 105:1–18.
Mackey KRM, Post AF, McIlvin MR, Saito MA.  2017.  Physiological and proteomic characterization of light adaptations in marine Synechococcus. Environmental Microbiology. 19:2348–2365.
Marie D, Simon N, Vaulot D.  2005.  Phytoplankton cell counting by flow cytometry. Algal culturing techniques. :253–267.
Treusch AH, Demir-Hilton E, Vergin KL, Worden AZ, Carlson CA, Donatz MG, Burton RM, Giovannoni SJ.  2012.  Phytoplankton distribution patterns in the northwestern Sargasso Sea revealed by small subunit rRNA genes from plastids. The ISME journal. 6:481–492.
Gebser B, Thume K, Steinke M, Pohnert G.  2020.  Phytoplankton-derived zwitterionic gonyol and dimethylsulfonioacetate interfere with microbial dimethylsulfoniopropionate sulfur cycling. MicrobiologyOpen. :e1014.
Decelle J, Romac S, Stern RF, Bendif EMahdi, Zingone A, Audic S, Guiry MD, Guillou L, Tessier D, Le Gall F et al..  2015.  PhytoREF: a reference database of the plastidial 16S rRNA gene of photosynthetic eukaryotes with curated taxonomy. Molecular Ecology Resources. 15:1435–1445.
Vandepoele K, Van Bel M, Richard G, Van Landeghem S, Verhelst B, Moreau H, Van de Peer Y, Grimsley N, Piganeau G.  2013.  pico-PLAZA, a genome database of microbial photosynthetic eukaryotes. Environmental Microbiology. 15:2147–2153.
Worden AZ.  2006.  Picoeukaryote diversity in coastal waters of the Pacific Ocean. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 43:165–175.
Demory D, Baudoux A-claire, Monier A, Simon N, Six C, Ge P, Rigaut-jalabert F, Marie D, Sciandra A, Bernard O et al..  2019.  Picoeukaryotes of the Micromonas genus: sentinels of a warming ocean. The ISME Journal. 13:132–146.
Le Gall F, Rigaut-Jalabert F, Marie D, Garczareck L, Viprey M, Godet A, Vaulot D.  2008.  Picoplankton diversity in the south-east pacific ocean from cultures. Biogeosciences. 5:203–214.
Latasa M, Scharek R, Le Gall F, Guillou L, Le Gall F.  2004.  Pigment suites and taxonomic groups in Prasinophyceae. Journal of Phycology. 40:1149–1155.
Garrido JL, Brunet C, Rodríguez F.  2016.  Pigment variations in Emiliania huxleyi (CCMP370) as a response to changes in light intensity or quality. Environmental Microbiology. 18:4412–4425.
Jouenne F, Probert I, Vaulot D.  2008.  Plankton taxonomy in the computer age. Cahiers de Biologie Marine. 49:355–367.
Khan H, Parks N, Kozera C, Curtis BA, Parsons BJ, Bowman S, Archibald JM.  2007.  Plastid genome sequence of the cryptophyte alga Rhodomonas salina CCMP1319: lateral transfer of putative DNA replication machinery and a test of chromist plastid phylogeny. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 24:1832–1842.
Klinger CM, Paoli L, Newby RJ, Wang MYu-Wei, Carroll HD, Leblond JD, Howe CJ, Dacks JB, Bowler C, A Cahoon B et al..  2018.  Plastid transcript editing across dinoflagellate lineages shows lineage-specific application but conserved trends. Genome Biology and Evolution. 10:1019–1038.
Devic M, Mariac C, Vergé V, Schatt P, Dennu L, Lozano J-C, Bouget F-Y, Sabot F.  2023.  Population dynamics of the cosmopolitan eukaryotic picophytoplankton Bathycoccus during seasonal blooms in the bay of Banyuls sur Mer (North Western Mediterranean sea).
Blanc-Mathieu R, Krasovec M, Hebrard M, Yau S, Desgranges E, Martin J, Schackwitz W, Kuo A, Salin G, Donnadieu C et al..  2017.  Population genomics of picophytoplankton unveils novel chromosome hypervariability. Science Advances. 3:e1700239.
Avilan L, Lebrun R, Puppo C, Citerne S, Cuiné S, Li-Beisson Y, Menand B, Field B, Gontero B.  2020.  ppGpp influences protein protection, growth and photosynthesis in Phaeodactylum tricornutum. bioRxiv. :2020.03.05.978130.
Derelle E, Yau S, Moreau H, Grimsley NH.  2017.  Prasinovirus attack of ostreococcus is furtive by day but savage by night. Journal of Virology. 92:JVI.01703–17.
Clerissi C, Desdevises Y, Grimsley N.  2012.  Prasinoviruses of the marine green alga Ostreococcus tauri are mainly species specific. Journal of Virology. 86:4611–4619.
Morel A, Ahn Y.-W., Partensky F, Vaulot D, Claustre H.  1993.  Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus: a comparative study of their size, pigmentation and related optical properties. Journal of Marine Research. 51:617–649.
Morales-Sánchez D, Schulze PSC, Kiron V, Wijffels RH.  2020.  Production of carbohydrates, lipids and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) by the polar marine microalga Chlamydomonas malina RCC2488. Algal Research. 50:102016.
Russo GL, Langellotti AL, Blasco T, Oliviero M, Sacchi R, Masi P.  2021.  Production of Omega-3 Oil by Aurantiochytrium mangrovei Using Spent Osmotic Solution from Candied Fruit Industry as Sole Organic Carbon Source. Processes. 9:1834.
Meyer N, Rydzyk A, Pohnert G.  2022.  Pronounced Uptake and Metabolism of Organic Substrates by Diatoms Revealed by Pulse-Labeling Metabolomics. Frontiers in Marine Science. 9:821167.
Akita S, Vieira C, Hanyuda T, Rousseau F, Cruaud C, Couloux A, Heesch S, J. Cock M, Kawai H.  2022.  Providing a phylogenetic framework for trait-based analyses in brown algae: Phylogenomic tree inferred from 32 nuclear protein-coding sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 168:107408.
Percopo I, Ruggiero MValeria, Balzano S, Gourvil P, Lundholm N, Siano R, Tammilehto A, Vaulot D, Sarno D.  2016.  Pseudo-nitzschia arctica sp. nov., a new cold-water cryptic Pseudo-nitzschia species within the P. pseudodelicatissima complex. Journal of Phycology. 52:184–199.
Greer C.W, Yaphe W..  1984.  Purification and properties of ι-carrageenase from a marine bacterium. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 30:1500–1506.
Yang X, Gao R, Zhang Q, Yung CCM, Yin H, Li J.  2024.  Quantification of Polyphosphate in Environmental Planktonic Samples Using a Novel Fluorescence Dye JC-D7. Environmental Science & Technology.
Fan X, Batchelor-McAuley C, Yang M, Barton S, Rickaby REM, Bouman HA, Compton RG.  2022.  Quantifying the Extent of Calcification of a Coccolithophore Using a Coulter Counter. Analytical Chemistry. :acs.analchem.2c01971.
Barton S, Yvon-Durocher G.  2019.  Quantifying the temperature dependence of growth rate in marine phytoplankton within and across species. Limnology and Oceanography.
