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Annunziata R, Ritter A, Fortunato AEmidio, Cheminant-Navarro S, Agier N, Huysman MJJ, Winge P, Bones A, Bouget F-Y, Lagomarsino MCosentino et al..  2018.  A bHLH-PAS protein regulates light-dependent rhythmic processes in the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. bioRxiv. :271445.PDF icon Annunziata et al_2018_A bHLH-PAS protein regulates light-dependent rhythmic processes in the marine.pdf (2.83 MB)
Androuin T, Six C, Bordeyne F, de Bettignies F, Noisette F, Davoult D.  2020.  Better off alone? New insights in the symbiotic relationship between the flatworm Symsagittifera roscoffensis and the microalgae Tetraselmis convolutae Symbiosis. PDF icon Androuin et al_2020_Better off alone.pdf (782.21 KB)
Andersen RA, Graf L, Malakhov Y, Yoon HSu.  2017.  Rediscovery of the Ochromonas type species Ochromonas triangulata (Chrysophyceae) from its type locality (Lake Veysove, Donetsk region, Ukraine). Phycologia. 56:591–604.PDF icon Andersen et al_2017_Rediscovery of the Ochromonas type species Ochromonas triangulata.pdf (2.99 MB)
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Altenburger A, Blossom HE, Garcia-Cuetos L., Jakobsen HH, Carstensen J, Lundholm N., Hansen P.J, Moestrup Ø., Haraguchi L..  2020.  Dimorphism in cryptophytes—The case of Teleaulax amphioxeia / Plagioselmis prolonga and its ecological implications. Science Advances. 6:eabb1611.PDF icon Altenburger et al_2020_Dimorphism in cryptophytes—The case of Teleaulax amphioxeia - Plagioselmis.pdf (1.43 MB)
Alonso-Sáez L, Palacio AS, Cabello AM, Robaina-Estévez S, González JM, Garczarek L, López-Urrutia Á.  2023.  Transcriptional Mechanisms of Thermal Acclimation in \textit{Prochlorococcus. mBio. :e03425–22.PDF icon Alonso-Sáez et al. - 2023 - Transcriptional Mechanisms of Thermal Acclimation .pdf (1.23 MB)
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