RCC references

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Author Title [ Year(Asc)]
Decamp A, Michelo O, Rabbat C, Laroche C, Grizeau D, Pruvost J, Gonçalves O.  2021.  A New, Quick, and Simple Protocol to Evaluate Microalgae Polysaccharide Composition. Marine Drugs. 19:101.PDF icon Decamp et al_2021_A New, Quick, and Simple Protocol to Evaluate Microalgae Polysaccharide.pdf (1.77 MB)
Jimenez V, Burns JA, Le Gall F, Not F, Vaulot D.  2021.  No evidence of Phago-mixotropy in Micromonas polaris (Mamiellophyceae), the Dominant Picophytoplankton Species in the Arctic. Journal of Phycology. 57:435–446.PDF icon Jimenez et al. - 2021 - No evidence of Phago-mixotropy in Micromonas polar.pdf (705.98 KB)
Harada N, Hirose Y, Chihong S, Kurita H, Sato M, Onodera J, Murata K, Itoh F.  2021.  A novel characteristic of a phytoplankton as a potential source of straight-chain alkanes. Scientific Reports. 11:14190.PDF icon Harada et al_2021_A novel characteristic of a phytoplankton as a potential source of.pdf (5.37 MB)
Yang M, Batchelor-McAuley C, Barton S, Rickaby REM, Bouman HA, Compton RG.  2021.  Opto-Electrochemical Dissolution Reveals Coccolith Calcium Carbonate Content. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 60:20999–21006.PDF icon Yang et al. - 2021 - Opto-Electrochemical Dissolution Reveals Coccolith.pdf (1.54 MB)
Russo GL, Langellotti AL, Blasco T, Oliviero M, Sacchi R, Masi P.  2021.  Production of Omega-3 Oil by Aurantiochytrium mangrovei Using Spent Osmotic Solution from Candied Fruit Industry as Sole Organic Carbon Source. Processes. 9:1834.PDF icon Russo et al. - 2021 - Production of Omega-3 Oil by Aurantiochytrium mang.pdf (2.12 MB)
Farhat S, Le P, Kayal E, Noel B, Bigeard E, Corre E, Maumus F, Florent I, Alberti A, Aury J-M et al..  2021.  Rapid protein evolution, organellar reductions, and invasive intronic elements in the marine aerobic parasite dinoflagellate Amoebophrya spp.. BMC Biology. :1–21.PDF icon Farhat et al_2021_Rapid protein evolution, organellar reductions, and invasive intronic elements.pdf (2.01 MB)
Kawachi M, Nakayama T, Kayama M, Nomura M, Miyashita H, Bojo O, Rhodes L, Sym S, Pienaar RN, Probert I et al..  2021.  Rappemonads are haptophyte phytoplankton. Current Biology. PDF icon Kawachi et al. - 2021 - Rappemonads are haptophyte phytoplankton.pdf (6.09 MB)
Royer C, Gypens N, Cardol P, Borges AV, Roberty S.  2021.  Response of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) cell quotas to oxidative stress in three phytoplankton species. Journal of Plankton Research. 43:673–690.PDF icon Royer et al. - 2021 - Response of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and .pdf (1.4 MB)
Langer G, Taylor AR, Walker CE, Meyer EM, Ben Joseph O, Gal A, Harper GM, Probert I, Brownlee C, Wheeler GL.  2021.  Role of silicon in the development of complex crystal shapes in coccolithophores. New Phytologist. 231:1845–1857.PDF icon Langer et al. - 2021 - Role of silicon in the development of complex crys.pdf (2.03 MB)
Castillo YM, Forn I, Yau S, Morán XAnxelu G, Alonso-Sáez L, Arandia-Gorostidi N, Vaqué D, Sebastián M.  2021.  Seasonal dynamics of natural Ostreococcus viral infection at the single cell level using VirusFISH. Environmental Microbiology. n/aPDF icon Castillo et al_Seasonal dynamics of natural Ostreococcus viral infection at the single cell.pdf (3.15 MB)
Das S, Gevaert F, Ouddane B, Duong G, Souissi S.  2021.  Single toxicity of arsenic and combined trace metal exposure to a microalga of ecological and commercial interest: Diacronema lutheri. Chemosphere. :132949.PDF icon Das et al. - 2021 - Single toxicity of arsenic and combined trace meta.pdf (2.29 MB)
Graeff JE, Leblond JD.  2021.  Sterol Composition of the Peridinioid Dinoflagellate Zooxanthella nutricula, A Symbiont of Polycystine Radiolarians. Protist. 172:125817.
Gebühr C, Sheward RM, Herrle JO, Bollmann J.  2021.  Strain-specific morphological response of the dominant calcifying phytoplankton species Emiliania huxleyi to salinity change. PLOS ONE. 16:e0246745.PDF icon Gebuhr et al_2021_Strain-specific morphological response of the dominant calcifying phytoplankton.pdf (2.2 MB)
Decelle J, Veronesi G, LeKieffre C, Gallet B, Chevalier F, Stryhanyuk H, Marro S, Ravanel S, Tucoulou R, Schieber N et al..  2021.  Subcellular architecture and metabolic connection in the planktonic photosymbiosis between Collodaria (radiolarians) and their microalgae. bioRxiv. :2021.03.13.435225.PDF icon Decelle et al. - 2021 - Subcellular architecture and metabolic connection .pdf (5.82 MB)
Müller MN, Blanco-Ameijeiras S, Stoll HM, Méndez-Vicente A, Lebrato M.  2021.  Temperature Induced Physiological Reaction Norms of the Coccolithophore Gephyrocapsa oceanica and Resulting Coccolith Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca Ratios. Frontiers in Earth Science. 9:273.PDF icon Müller et al. - 2021 - Temperature Induced Physiological Reaction Norms o.pdf (1.37 MB)
Labban A, Palacio AS, García FC, Hadaidi G, Ansari MI, López-Urrutia Á, Alonso-Sáez L, Hong P-Y, Morán XAnxelu G.  2021.  Temperature Responses of Heterotrophic Bacteria in Co-culture With a Red Sea Synechococcus Strain. Frontiers in Microbiology. 12:612732.PDF icon Labban et al. - 2021 - Temperature Responses of Heterotrophic Bacteria in.pdf (2.12 MB)
Roquis D, Cosseau C, Raffalli KBrener, Romans P, Masanet P, Mitta G, Grunau C, Vidal-Dupiol J.  2021.  The tropical coral Pocillopora acuta displays an unusual chromatin structure and shows histone H3 clipping plasticity upon bleaching. PDF icon Roquis et al. - 2021 - The tropical coral Pocillopora acuta displa.pdf (2.43 MB)
Bachy C, Yung CCM, Needham DM, Gazitúa MConsuelo, Roux S, Limardo AJ, Choi CJae, Jorgens DM, Sullivan MB, Worden AZ.  2021.  Viruses infecting a warm water picoeukaryote shed light on spatial co-occurrence dynamics of marine viruses and their hosts. The ISME Journal. :1–19.PDF icon Bachy et al_2021_Viruses infecting a warm water picoeukaryote shed light on spatial.pdf (1.73 MB)
Barbeyron T, Thiébaud M, Le Duff N, Martin M, Corre E, Tanguy G, Vandenbol M, Thomas F.  2021.  Zobellia roscoffensis sp. nov. and Zobellia nedashkovskayae sp. nov., two flavobacteria from the epiphytic microbiota of the brown alga Ascophyllum nodosum, and emended description of the genus Zobellia. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 71PDF icon Barbeyron et al. - 2021 - Zobellia roscoffensis sp. nov. and Zobellia nedash.pdf (329.74 KB)
Bestion E, Barton S, García FC, Warfield R, Yvon-Durocher G.  2020.  Abrupt declines in marine phytoplankton production driven by warming and biodiversity loss in a microcosm experiment. Ecology Letters. 23:457–466.PDF icon Bestion et al_2020_Abrupt declines in marine phytoplankton production driven by warming and.pdf (1.26 MB)
Nissimov JI, Campbell CN, Probert I, Wilson WH.  2020.  Aquatic virus culture collection: an absent (but necessary) safety net for environmental microbiologists. Applied Phycology. 00:1–15.PDF icon Nissimov et al_2020_Aquatic virus culture collection.pdf (1.66 MB)
Pan YJu, Déposé E, Souissi A, Hénard S, Schaadt M, Mastro E, Souissi S.  2020.  Assessments of first feeding protocols on the larviculture of California grunion Leuresthes tenuis (Osteichthyes: Atherinopsidae). Aquaculture Research. 51:3054–3058.
Androuin T, Six C, Bordeyne F, de Bettignies F, Noisette F, Davoult D.  2020.  Better off alone? New insights in the symbiotic relationship between the flatworm Symsagittifera roscoffensis and the microalgae Tetraselmis convolutae Symbiosis. PDF icon Androuin et al_2020_Better off alone.pdf (782.21 KB)
Liao S, Yao Y, Wang L, Wang KJ, Amaral-Zettler L, Longo WM, Huang Y.  2020.  C41 methyl and C42 ethyl alkenones are biomarkers for Group II Isochrysidales. Organic Geochemistry. 147:104081.
Benner I, Irwin AJ, Finkel ZV.  2020.  Capacity of the common Arctic picoeukaryote Micromonas to adapt to a warming ocean. Limnology and Oceanography Letters. 5:221–227.PDF icon Benner et al_2020_Capacity of the common Arctic picoeukaryote Micromonas to adapt to a warming.pdf (456.03 KB)
