RCC references

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Decelle J, Romac S, Stern RF, Bendif EMahdi, Zingone A, Audic S, Guiry MD, Guillou L, Tessier D, Le Gall F et al..  2015.  PhytoREF: a reference database of the plastidial 16S rRNA gene of photosynthetic eukaryotes with curated taxonomy. Molecular Ecology Resources. 15:1435–1445.PDF icon Decelle et al_2015_PhytoREF.pdf (739.73 KB)
Decelle J, Veronesi G, LeKieffre C, Gallet B, Chevalier F, Stryhanyuk H, Marro S, Ravanel S, Tucoulou R, Schieber N et al..  2021.  Subcellular architecture and metabolic connection in the planktonic photosymbiosis between Collodaria (radiolarians) and their microalgae. bioRxiv. :2021.03.13.435225.PDF icon Decelle et al. - 2021 - Subcellular architecture and metabolic connection .pdf (5.82 MB)
Decelle J, Stryhanyuk H, Gallet B, Veronesi G, Schmidt M, Balzano S, Marro S, Uwizeye C, Jouneau P-H, Lupette J et al..  2019.  Algal remodeling in a ubiquitous planktonic photosymbiosis. Current Biology. 29:968–978.e4.PDF icon Decelle et al_2019_Algal remodeling in a ubiquitous planktonic photosymbiosis.pdf (5.3 MB)
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Degraeve-Guilbault C, Bréhélin C, Haslam R, Sayanova O, Marie-Luce G, Jouhet J, Corellou F.  2017.  Glycerolipid characterization and nutrient deprivation-associated changes in the green picoalga ostreococcus tauri. Plant Physiology. 173:2060–2080.PDF icon Degraeve-Guilbault et al_2017_Glycerolipid characterization and nutrient deprivation-associated changes in.pdf (2.8 MB)
del Campo J, Sieracki ME, Molestina R, Keeling P, Massana R, Ruiz-Trillo I.  2014.  The others: our biased perspective of eukaryotic genomes. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 29:252–259.PDF icon del Campo et al_2014_The others.pdf (906.55 KB)
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Demir-Hilton E, Sudek S, Cuvelier ML, Gentemann CL, Zehr JP, Worden AZ.  2011.  Global distribution patterns of distinct clades of the photosynthetic picoeukaryote Ostreococcus. The ISME journal. 5:1095–1107.PDF icon Demir-Hilton et al_2011_Global distribution patterns of distinct clades of the photosynthetic.pdf (5.04 MB)
Demory D, Arsenieff L, Simon N, Six C, Rigaut-jalabert F, Marie D, Ge P, Bigeard E, Jacquet S, Sciandra A et al..  2017.  Temperature is a key factor in Micromonas–virus interactions. The ISME Journal. 11:601–612.PDF icon Demory et al_2017_Temperature is a key factor in Micromonas–virus interactions.pdf (694.6 KB)
Demory D, Weitz JS, Baudoux A-claire, Touzeau S, Simon N, Rabouille S, Sciandra A, Bernard O.  2020.  A thermal trade-off between viral production and degradation drives phytoplankton-virus population dynamics. bioRxiv. :2020.08.18.256156.PDF icon Demory et al_2020_A thermal trade-off between viral production and degradation drives.pdf (5.32 MB)
Demory D, Baudoux A-claire, Monier A, Simon N, Six C, Ge P, Rigaut-jalabert F, Marie D, Sciandra A, Bernard O et al..  2019.  Picoeukaryotes of the Micromonas genus: sentinels of a warming ocean. The ISME Journal. 13:132–146.PDF icon Demory et al_2019_Picoeukaryotes of the Micromonas genus.pdf (2.51 MB)
Deng Y, Yu R, Grabe V, Sommermann T, Werner M, Vallet M, Zerfaß C, Werz O, Pohnert G.  2024.  Bacteria modulate microalgal aging physiology through the induction of extracellular vesicle production to remove harmful metabolites. Nature Microbiology. :1–13.PDF icon Deng et al_2024_Bacteria modulate microalgal aging physiology through the induction of.pdf (5.88 MB)
Dennu L, Devic M, Rigonato J, Falciatore A, Lozano J-C, Vergé V, Mariac C, Jaillon O, Team TDark Edge, Sabot F et al..  2023.  Biological and genomic resources for the cosmopolitan phytoplankton Bathycoccus: Insights into genetic diversity and major structural variations. PDF icon Dennu et al_2023_Biological and genomic resources for the cosmopolitan phytoplankton Bathycoccus.pdf (7.52 MB)
Derelle E, Ferraz C, Escande M-L, Eychenié S, Cooke R, Piganeau G, Desdevises Y, Bellec L, Moreau H, Grimsley N.  2008.  Life-cycle and genome of OtV5, a large DNA virus of the pelagic marine unicellular green alga ¡i¿Ostreococcus tauri¡/i¿. PLoS ONE. 3:e2250.PDF icon Derelle et al_2008_Life-cycle and genome of OtV5, a large DNA virus of the pelagic marine.pdf (536.39 KB)
Derelle E, Ferraz C, Rombauts S, Rouze P, Worden AZ, Robbens S, Partensky F, Degroeve S, Echeynie S, Cooke R et al..  2006.  Genome analysis of the smallest free-living eukaryote Ostreococcus tauri unveils many unique features. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 103:11647–11652.PDF icon Derelle et al_2006_Genome analysis of the smallest free-living eukaryote Ostreococcus tauri.pdf (1.01 MB)
Derelle E, Ferraz C, Lagoda P, Eychenie S, Cooke R, Regad F, Sabau X, Courties C, Delseny M, Demaille J et al..  2002.  DNA libraries for sequencing the genome of Ostreococcus tauri (Chlorophyta, Prasinophyceae): The smallest free-living eukaryotic cell. Journal of Phycology. 38:1150–1156.
Derelle E, Yau S, Moreau H, Grimsley NH.  2017.  Prasinovirus attack of ostreococcus is furtive by day but savage by night. Journal of Virology. 92:JVI.01703–17.PDF icon Derelle et al_2017_Prasinovirus attack of ostreococcus is furtive by day but savage by night.pdf (3.92 MB)
Derilus D, Rahman MZ, Pinero F, Massey SE.  2020.  Synergism between the Black Queen effect and the proteomic constraint on genome size reduction in the photosynthetic picoeukaryotes. Scientific Reports. 10:8918.PDF icon Derilus et al_2020_Synergism between the Black Queen effect and the proteomic constraint on genome.pdf (2.27 MB)
Descles J, Vartanian M, A Harrak E, Quinet M, Bremond N, Sapriel G, Bibette J, Lopez PJ.  2008.  New tools for labeling silica in living diatoms. New Phytologist. 177:822–829.PDF icon Descles et al_2008_New tools for labeling silica in living diatoms.pdf (277.23 KB)
Devic M, Mariac C, Vergé V, Schatt P, Dennu L, Lozano J-C, Bouget F-Y, Sabot F.  2023.  An INDEL genomic approach to explore population diversity of phytoplankton : \textit{Bathycoccus , a case study. PDF icon Devic et al. - 2023 - An INDEL genomic approach to explore population di.pdf (4.07 MB)
Devic M, Mariac C, Vergé V, Schatt P, Dennu L, Lozano J-C, Bouget F-Y, Sabot F.  2023.  Population dynamics of the cosmopolitan eukaryotic picophytoplankton Bathycoccus during seasonal blooms in the bay of Banyuls sur Mer (North Western Mediterranean sea). PDF icon Devic et al. - 2023 - Population dynamics of the cosmopolitan eukaryotic.pdf (1.73 MB)
Dia A, Guillou L, Mauger S, Bigeard E, Marie D, Valero M, Destombe C.  2014.  Spatiotemporal changes in the genetic diversity of harmful algal blooms caused by the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum. Molecular Ecology. 23:549–560.PDF icon Dia et al_2014_Spatiotemporal changes in the genetic diversity of harmful algal blooms caused.pdf (764.4 KB)
Dimier C, Corato F, Saviello G, Brunet C.  2007.  Photophysiological properties of the marine picoeukaryote Picochlorum RCC 237 (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta). Journal of Phycology. 43:275–283.
