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Roquis D, Cosseau C, Raffalli KBrener, Romans P, Masanet P, Mitta G, Grunau C, Vidal-Dupiol J.  2021.  The tropical coral Pocillopora acuta displays an unusual chromatin structure and shows histone H3 clipping plasticity upon bleaching. PDF icon Roquis et al. - 2021 - The tropical coral Pocillopora acuta displa.pdf (2.43 MB)
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Liu Z, Mesrop LY, Hu SK, Caron DA.  2019.  Transcriptome of thalassicolla nucleata holobiont reveals details of a radiolarian symbiotic relationship. Frontiers in Marine Science. 6:1–11.PDF icon Liu et al_2019_Transcriptome of thalassicolla nucleata holobiont reveals details of a.pdf (7.84 MB)
von Dassow P, Ogata H, Probert I, Wincker P, Da Silva C, Audic S, Claverie J-M, de Vargas C.  2009.  Transcriptome analysis of functional differentiation between haploid and diploid cells of Emiliania huxleyi, a globally significant photosynthetic calcifying cell. Genome Biology. 10:R114.PDF icon von Dassow et al_2009_Transcriptome analysis of functional differentiation between haploid and.pdf (1.19 MB)
Rokitta SD, de Nooijer LJ, Trimborn S, de Vargas C, Rost B, John U.  2011.  Transcriptome analyses reveal differential gene expression patterns between the life-cycle stages of Emiliania huxleyi (Haptophyta) and reflect specialization to different ecological niches. Journal of Phycology. 47:829–838.PDF icon Rokitta et al_2011_Transcriptome analyses reveal differential gene expression patterns between the.pdf (240 KB)
Kamakura S, Bilcke G, Sato S.  2024.  Transcriptional responses to salinity-induced changes in cell wall morphology of the euryhaline diatom Pleurosira laevis. Journal of Phycology. n/aPDF icon Kamakura et al. - Transcriptional responses to salinity-induced chan.pdf (6.74 MB)
Alonso-Sáez L, Palacio AS, Cabello AM, Robaina-Estévez S, González JM, Garczarek L, López-Urrutia Á.  2023.  Transcriptional Mechanisms of Thermal Acclimation in \textit{Prochlorococcus. mBio. :e03425–22.PDF icon Alonso-Sáez et al. - 2023 - Transcriptional Mechanisms of Thermal Acclimation .pdf (1.23 MB)
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Caló G, De Marco MAgustina, Salerno GLidia, Martínez-Noël GMaría Ast.  2022.  TOR signaling in the green picoalga Ostreococcus tauri. Plant Science. 323:111390.
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Labban A, Palacio AS, García FC, Hadaidi G, Ansari MI, López-Urrutia Á, Alonso-Sáez L, Hong P-Y, Morán XAnxelu G.  2021.  Temperature Responses of Heterotrophic Bacteria in Co-culture With a Red Sea Synechococcus Strain. Frontiers in Microbiology. 12:612732.PDF icon Labban et al. - 2021 - Temperature Responses of Heterotrophic Bacteria in.pdf (2.12 MB)
Meyer C, Jackson VLN, Harrison K, Fouskari I, Bolhuis H, Artzy-Randrup YA, Huisman J, Monier A, Brussaard CPD.  2024.  Temperature modulates dominance of a superinfecting Arctic virus in its unicellular algal host. The ISME Journal. :wrae161.PDF icon Meyer et al. - 2024 - Temperature modulates dominance of a superinfectin.pdf (2.1 MB)
