RCC references

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Hird C, Jekely G, Williams EA.  2024.  Microalgal biofilm induces larval settlement in the model marine worm \textit{Platynereis dumerilii. PDF icon Hird et al. - 2024 - Microalgal biofilm induces larval settlement in th.pdf (3.08 MB)
Granata T, Rattenbacher B, Kehl F, Egli M.  2024.  Microbial Factories and Exploiting Synergies of Bioreactor Technologies to Produce Bioproducts. Fermentation. 10:135.PDF icon Granata et al_2024_Microbial Factories and Exploiting Synergies of Bioreactor Technologies to.pdf (1.28 MB)
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Cho A, Lax G, Keeling PJ.  2024.  Phylogenomic analyses of ochrophytes (stramenopiles) with an emphasis on neglected lineages. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. :108120.PDF icon Cho - EVOLUTION AND DIVERSITY OF STRAMENOPILES.pdf (12.52 MB)
Yang X, Gao R, Zhang Q, Yung CCM, Yin H, Li J.  2024.  Quantification of Polyphosphate in Environmental Planktonic Samples Using a Novel Fluorescence Dye JC-D7. Environmental Science & Technology. PDF icon Yang et al_2024_Quantification of Polyphosphate in Environmental Planktonic Samples Using a.pdf (1.78 MB)
Sheward RM, Gebühr C, Bollmann J, Herrle JO.  2024.  Short-term response of Emiliania huxleyi growth and morphology to abrupt salinity stress. PDF icon Roux et al. - 2024 - Ecophysiological response of the cupped oyster Cra.pdf (2.32 MB)
Chauhan N, Rickaby REM.  2024.  Size-dependent dynamics of the internal carbon pool drive isotopic vital effects in calcifying phytoplankton. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 373:35–51.PDF icon Chauhan et Rickaby - 2024 - Size-dependent dynamics of the internal carbon poo.pdf (5.79 MB)
Luca RGiovanni, Langellotti ALuca, Verardo V, Garcia BMartin, Oliviero M, Masi P.  2024.  Sustainable Cultivation of Porphyridium cruentum via Agro-Industrial By-Products: A Study on Biomass and Lipid Enhancement. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology. :103341.PDF icon Giovanni Luca et al. - 2024 - Sustainable Cultivation of Porphyridium cruentum v.pdf (1.22 MB)
Meyer C, Jackson VLN, Harrison K, Fouskari I, Bolhuis H, Artzy-Randrup YA, Huisman J, Monier A, Brussaard CPD.  2024.  Temperature modulates dominance of a superinfecting Arctic virus in its unicellular algal host. The ISME Journal. :wrae161.PDF icon Meyer et al. - 2024 - Temperature modulates dominance of a superinfectin.pdf (2.1 MB)
Foresi N, De Marco MAgustina, Del Castello F, Ramirez L, Nejamkin A, Caló G, Grimsley N, Correa-Aragunde N, Martinez-Noel G.  2024.  "The Tiny Giant of the Sea, Ostreococcus’s Unique Adaptations". Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. :108661.PDF icon Foresi et al. - 2024 - The Tiny Giant of the Sea, Ostreococcus’s Unique .pdf (4.63 MB)
Kamakura S, Bilcke G, Sato S.  2024.  Transcriptional responses to salinity-induced changes in cell wall morphology of the euryhaline diatom Pleurosira laevis. Journal of Phycology. n/aPDF icon Kamakura et al. - Transcriptional responses to salinity-induced chan.pdf (6.74 MB)
Coleman B, Van Poucke C, De Witte B, Casciaro V, Moerdijk-Poortvliet T, Muylaert K, Robbens J.  2024.  The use of \textit{Tetraselmis chuii as seafood flavoring agent in a vegetable broth. Algal Research. 80:103538.PDF icon Coleman et al. - 2024 - The use of Tetraselmis chuii as seafood flavoring .pdf (532.42 KB)
Merritt KA, Richardson TL.  2024.  Variability in spectral absorption within cryptophyte phycobiliprotein types. Journal of Phycology. n/aPDF icon Merritt et Richardson - Variability in spectral absorption within cryptoph.pdf (1.71 MB)
Azizah M, Pohnert G.  2023.  2-Homoectoine: An Additional Member of the Ectoine Family from Phyto- and Bacterioplankton Involved in Osmoadaptation. Journal of Natural Products.
Wink ALavenant.  2023.  Application of Flow Cytometry and Membrane Inlet Mass Spectrometry as Tools to Assess Dimethyl Sulfide Produced in Emiliania huxleyi (CHC108) Cultures. PDF icon Wink - Application of Flow Cytometry and Membrane Inlet M.pdf (7.53 MB)
Bouquet A, Felix C, Masseret E, Reymond C, Abadie E, Laabir M, Rolland JLuc.  2023.  Artificial Substrates Coupled with qPCR (AS-qPCR) Assay for the Detection of the Toxic Benthopelagic Dinoflagellate Vulcanodinium rugosum. Toxins. 15:217.PDF icon Bouquet et al_2023_Artificial Substrates Coupled with qPCR (AS-qPCR) Assay for the Detection of.pdf (1.57 MB)
Das S, Lizon F, Gevaert F, Bialais C, Duong G, Ouddane B, Souissi S.  2023.  Assessing indicators of arsenic toxicity using variable fluorescence in a commercially valuable microalgae: physiological and toxicological aspects. Journal of Hazardous Materials. :131215.PDF icon Das et al_2023_Assessing indicators of arsenic toxicity using variable fluorescence in a.pdf (2.11 MB)
Strauss J, Choi CJae, Grone J, Wittmers F, Jimenez V, Makareviciute-Fichtner K, Bachy C, Jaeger GSpiro, Poirier C, Eckmann C et al..  2023.  The Bay of Bengal exposes abundant photosynthetic picoplankton and newfound diversity along salinity-driven gradients. Environmental Microbiology. PDF icon Strauss et al_2023_The Bay of Bengal exposes abundant photosynthetic picoplankton and newfound.pdf (7.31 MB)
Letscher RT, J. Moore K, Martiny AC, Lomas MW.  2023.  Biodiversity and stoichiometric plasticity increase pico-phytoplankton contributions to marine net primary productivity and the biological pump. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. n/a:e2023GB007756.PDF icon Letscher et al_Biodiversity and stoichiometric plasticity increase pico-phytoplankton.pdf (1.21 MB)
Churakova Y, Aguilera A, Charalampous E, Conley DJ, Lundin D, Pinhassi J, Farnelid H.  2023.  Biogenic silica accumulation in picoeukaryotes: Novel players in the marine silica cycle. Environmental Microbiology Reports. n/aPDF icon Churakova et al_2023_Biogenic silica accumulation in picoeukaryotes.pdf (454.16 KB)
Dennu L, Devic M, Rigonato J, Falciatore A, Lozano J-C, Vergé V, Mariac C, Jaillon O, Team TDark Edge, Sabot F et al..  2023.  Biological and genomic resources for the cosmopolitan phytoplankton Bathycoccus: Insights into genetic diversity and major structural variations. PDF icon Dennu et al_2023_Biological and genomic resources for the cosmopolitan phytoplankton Bathycoccus.pdf (7.52 MB)
Cruz JDiogo, Delattre C, Felpeto ABarreiro, Pereira H, Pierre G, Morais J, Petit E, Silva J, Azevedo J, Elboutachfaiti R et al..  2023.  Bioprospecting for industrially relevant exopolysaccharide-producing cyanobacteria under Portuguese simulated climate. Scientific Reports. 13:13561.PDF icon Cruz et al_2023_Bioprospecting for industrially relevant exopolysaccharide-producing.pdf (2.12 MB)
Florenza J, Bertilsson S.  2023.  Choice of methodology and surrogate prey are decisive for the quality of protistan bacterivory rate estimates. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 89:43–53.PDF icon Florenza et Bertilsson - 2023 - Choice of methodology and surrogate prey are decis.pdf (500.56 KB)
Clark AJ, Torres-Romero I, Jaggi M, Bernasconi SM, Stoll HM.  2023.  Coccolithophorids precipitate carbonate in clumped isotope equilibrium with seawater. PDF icon Clark et al. - 2023 - Coccolithophorids precipitate carbonate in clumped.pdf (1.42 MB)
Arnaldo MDianne Gra, Gamage NDehel, Jaffrenou A, Rabesaotra V, Mossion A, Wielgosz-Collin G, Méléder V.  2023.  Comparison of different small-scale cultivation methods towards the valorization of a marine benthic diatom strain for lipid production. Algal Research. :103327.PDF icon Arnaldo et al. - 2023 - Comparison of different small-scale cultivation me.pdf (1.37 MB)
