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Bendif EMahdi, Probert I, Archontikis OA, Young JR, Beaufort L, Rickaby RE, Filatov D.  2023.  Rapid diversification underlying the global dominance of a cosmopolitan phytoplankton. The ISME Journal. :1–11.PDF icon Bendif et al_2023_Rapid diversification underlying the global dominance of a cosmopolitan.pdf (2.88 MB)
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Bendif EMahdi, Probert I, Díaz-Rosas F, Thomas D, van den Engh G, Young JR, von Dassow P.  2016.  Recent reticulate evolution in the ecologically dominant lineage of coccolithophores. Frontiers in Microbiology. 7PDF icon Bendif et al_2016_Recent reticulate evolution in the ecologically dominant lineage of.pdf (4.89 MB)
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Perez-Sepulveda B, Pitt F, N'Guyen ANgoc, Ratin M, Garczarek L, Millard A, Scanlan DJ.  2018.  Relative stability of ploidy in a marine Synechococcus across various growth conditions. Environmental Microbiology Reports. :inpress.PDF icon Perez-Sepulveda et al_2018_Relative stability of ploidy in a marine Synechococcus across various growth.pdf (198.7 KB)
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