RCC references

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Vázquez V, León P, Gordillo FJL, Jiménez C, Concepción I, Mackenzie K, Bresnan E, Segovia M.  2022.  High-CO2 Levels Rather than Acidification Restrict Emiliania huxleyi Growth and Performance. Microbial Ecology. PDF icon Vazquez et al_2022_High-CO2 Levels Rather than Acidification Restrict Emiliania huxleyi Growth and.pdf (1.81 MB)
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López-Pacheco IY, Ayala-Moreno VGuadalupe, Mejia-Melara CArlette, Rodríguez-Rodríguez J, Cuellar-Bermudez SP, González-González RBerenice, Coronado-Apodaca KG, Farfan-Cabrera LI, González-Meza GMaría, Iqbal HMN et al..  2023.  Growth Behavior, Biomass Composition and Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAMEs) Production Potential of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, and Chlorella vulgaris Cultures. Marine Drugs. 21:450.PDF icon López-Pacheco et al. - 2023 - Growth Behavior, Biomass Composition and Fatty Aci.pdf (2.38 MB)
Giovagnetti V, Cataldo ML, Conversano F, Brunet C.  2012.  Growth and photophysiological responses of two picoplanktonic ¡i¿Minutocellus species¡/i¿, strains RCC967 and RCC703 (Bacillariophyceae). European Journal of Phycology. 47:408–420.PDF icon Giovagnetti et al_2012_Growth and photophysiological responses of two picoplanktonic ¡i¿Minutocellus.pdf (912.82 KB)
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