RCC references

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Author Title [ Year(Desc)]
Nikitashina V, Stettin D, Pohnert G.  2022.  Metabolic adaptation of diatoms to hypersalinity. Phytochemistry. :113267.PDF icon Nikitashina et al. - 2022 - Metabolic adaptation of diatoms to hypersalinity.pdf (1.63 MB)
Koppelle S, López-Escardó D, Brussaard CPD, Huisman J, Philippart CJM, Massana R, Wilken S.  2022.  Mixotrophy in the bloom-forming genus Phaeocystis and other haptophytes. Harmful Algae. 117:102292.PDF icon Koppelle et al. - 2022 - Mixotrophy in the bloom-forming genus Phaeocystis .pdf (5.56 MB)
Gómez F, Gourvil P, Li T, Huang Y, Zhang H, Courcot L, Artigas LF, Onís ESoler, Gutierrez-Rodriguez A, Lin S.  2022.  Molecular phylogeny of the spiny-surfaced species of the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum with the description of P. Thermophilum sp. nov. and P. criophilum sp. nov. (Prorocentrales, Dinophyceae). Journal of Phycology. n/aPDF icon Gómez et al. - Molecular phylogeny of the spiny-surfaced species .pdf (26.8 MB)
Haney AM, Sanfilippo JE, Garczarek L, Partensky F, Kehoe DM.  2022.  Multiple Photolyases Protect the Marine Cyanobacterium Synechococcus from Ultraviolet Radiation. mBio. 13:e01511–22.PDF icon Haney et al. - 2022 - Multiple Photolyases Protect the Marine Cyanobacte.pdf (1.2 MB)
Johnson R, Langer G, Rossi S, Probert I, Mammone M, Ziveri P.  2022.  Nutritional response of a coccolithophore to changing pH and temperature. Limnology and Oceanography. n/aPDF icon Johnson et al. - Nutritional response of a coccolithophore to chang.pdf (1.61 MB)
Azizah M, Pohnert G.  2022.  Orchestrated Response of Intracellular Zwitterionic Metabolites in Stress Adaptation of the Halophilic Heterotrophic Bacterium Pelagibaca bermudensis. Marine Drugs. 20:727.PDF icon Azizah et Pohnert - 2022 - Orchestrated Response of Intracellular Zwitterioni.pdf (2 MB)
Lacour T, Larivière J, Ferland J, Morin P-I, Grondin P-L, Donaher N, Cockshutt A, Campbell DA, Babin M.  2022.  Photoacclimation of the polar diatom Chaetoceros neogracilis at low temperature. PLOS ONE. 17:e0272822.PDF icon Lacour et al_2022_Photoacclimation of the polar diatom Chaetoceros neogracilis at low temperature.pdf (2.08 MB)
Carrigee LA, Frick JP, Liu X, Karty JA, Trinidad JC, Tom IP, Yang X, Dufour L, Partensky F, Schluchter WM.  2022.  The phycoerythrobilin isomerization activity of MpeV in Synechococcus sp. WH8020 is prevented by the presence of a histidine at position 141 within its phycoerythrin-I β-subunit substrate. Frontiers in Microbiology. 13:1011189.PDF icon Carrigee et al_2022_The phycoerythrobilin isomerization activity of MpeV in Synechococcus sp.pdf (5.76 MB)
Liu F, Gledhill M, Tan Q-G, Zhu K, Zhang Q, Salaün P, Tagliabue A, Zhang Y, Weiss D, Achterberg EP et al..  2022.  Phycosphere pH of unicellular nano- and micro- phytoplankton cells and consequences for iron speciation. The ISME Journal. 16:2329–2336.PDF icon Liu et al_2022_Phycosphere pH of unicellular nano- and micro- phytoplankton cells and.pdf (1.5 MB)
Meyer N, Rydzyk A, Pohnert G.  2022.  Pronounced Uptake and Metabolism of Organic Substrates by Diatoms Revealed by Pulse-Labeling Metabolomics. Frontiers in Marine Science. 9:821167.PDF icon Meyer-et-al-2022.pdf (3.81 MB)
Akita S, Vieira C, Hanyuda T, Rousseau F, Cruaud C, Couloux A, Heesch S, J. Cock M, Kawai H.  2022.  Providing a phylogenetic framework for trait-based analyses in brown algae: Phylogenomic tree inferred from 32 nuclear protein-coding sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 168:107408.
Fan X, Batchelor-McAuley C, Yang M, Barton S, Rickaby REM, Bouman HA, Compton RG.  2022.  Quantifying the Extent of Calcification of a Coccolithophore Using a Coulter Counter. Analytical Chemistry. :acs.analchem.2c01971.PDF icon Fan et al. - 2022 - Quantifying the Extent of Calcification of a Cocco.pdf (2.95 MB)
Groussman RD.  2022.  Resolving the molecular ecology of marine microbial eukaryotes with metatranscriptomes. PDF icon Groussman - Resolving the molecular ecology of marine microbia.pdf (20.31 MB)
Pilátová J, Pánek T, Obornik M, Čepička I, Mojzeš P.  2022.  Revisiting biocrystallization: purine crystalline inclusions are widespread in eukaryotes. The ISME Journal. PDF icon Pilátová et al. - 2022 - Revisiting biocrystallization purine crystalline .pdf (4.85 MB)PDF icon 41396_2022_1264_MOESM1_ESM.pdf (3.69 MB)
de la Broise D, Ventura M, Chauchat L, Guerreiro M, Michez T, Vinet T, Gautron N, Le Grand F, Bideau A, Le Goïc N et al..  2022.  Scale-Up to Pilot of a Non-Axenic Culture of Thraustochytrids Using Digestate from Methanization as Nitrogen Source. Marine Drugs. 20:499.PDF icon de la Broise et al. - 2022 - Scale-Up to Pilot of a Non-Axenic Culture of Thrau.pdf (4.81 MB)
Croteau D., Lacour T., Schiffrine N., Morin P.-I., Forget M.-H., Bruyant F., Ferland J., Lafond A., Campbell D.A, Tremblay J.-E. et al..  2022.  Shifts in growth light optima among diatom species support their succession during the spring bloom in the Arctic. Journal of Ecology. n/aPDF icon Croteau et al. - Shifts in growth light optima among diatom species.pdf (1.52 MB)
Leblond JD, Elkins LC, Sabir K, Graeff JE.  2022.  Sterols of Testudodinium testudo (formerly Amphidinium testudo): Production of the Δ8(14) sterol gymnodinosterol and chemotaxonomic relationship to the Kareniaceae. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. n/a:e12929.PDF icon Leblond et al_Sterols of Testudodinium testudo (formerly Amphidinium testudo).pdf (1.2 MB)
Arin L, Reñé A, Gallisai R, Sarno D, Garcés E, Estrada M.  2022.  Taxonomic relationship between two small-sized Chaetoceros species (Bacillariophyta): C. tenuissimus and C. salsugineus , and comparison with C. olympicus sp. nov. from Catalan coastal waters (NW Mediterranean). European Journal of Phycology. 57:277–296.PDF icon Arin et al. - 2022 - Taxonomic relationship between two small-sized .pdf (8.01 MB)
Schmitt M, Telusma A, Bigeard E, Guillou L, Alves-de-Souza C.  2022.  Temperature Affects the Biological Control of Dinoflagellates by the Generalist Parasitoid Parvilucifera rostrata. Microorganisms. 10:385.PDF icon Schmitt et al_2022_Temperature Affects the Biological Control of Dinoflagellates by the Generalist.pdf (3.08 MB)
Caló G, De Marco MAgustina, Salerno GLidia, Martínez-Noël GMaría Ast.  2022.  TOR signaling in the green picoalga Ostreococcus tauri. Plant Science. 323:111390.
Das S, Souissi A, Ouddane B, Hwang J-S, Souissi S.  2022.  Trace metals exposure in three different coastal compartments show specific morphological and reproductive traits across generations in a sentinel copepod. Science of The Total Environment. :160378.PDF icon Das et al. - 2022 - Trace metals exposure in three different coastal c.pdf (1.41 MB)
Eyal Z, Krounbi L, Ben Joseph O, Avrahami EM, Pinkas I, Peled-Zehavi H, Gal A.  2022.  The variability in the structural and functional properties of coccolith base plates. Acta Biomaterialia. 148:336–344.
