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Strain name: 
Strain name synonyms: 
TQ26, NIES-2697, CCMP3266
Authentic culture: 
Cell shape: 
Cell motility: 
Sampling ocean: 
Pacific Ocean
Sampling regional sea: 
Tasman Sea
Sampling country: 
New Zealand
Sampling ecosystem: 
Sampling cruise: 
Sampling date: 
Tuesday, September 1, 1998
Isolation by: 
Probert I.
Isolation method: 
Micropipette (1 cell)
RCC medium: 
RCC temperature: 
RCC transfer period weeks: 
Transcriptome sequence done by Genoscope (2012) Morphotype R. Mitochondrial genotype Alpha..
RCC Staff >
Details for RCC staff only
Date entered catalog: 
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Sampling by: 
Probert I.
Isolation medium: 
K/5 (ian)
Deposit to RCC date: 
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Deposit to rcc by: 

Sequences available for this RCC strain

GenBank Accession Gene name Gene location Genbank organism Genbank taxonomy Description
JN098173 cox3 mitochondrion Emiliania huxleyi Eukaryota; Haptophyceae; Isochrysidales; Noelaerhabdaceae; Emiliania Emiliania huxleyi strain RCC1216 cytochrome c oxidase subunit III (cox3) gene, complete cds; mitochondrial
AB563780 cox1b, atp4 mitochondrion Emiliania huxleyi Eukaryota; Haptophyceae; Isochrysidales; Noelaerhabdaceae; Emiliania Emiliania huxleyi mitochondrial cox1b, atp4 genes for cytochrome oxidase subunit 1b, adenosine triphosphate 4, partial cds, strain: TQ26
JN098173 cox3 mitochondrion Emiliania huxleyi Eukaryota; Haptophyceae; Isochrysidales; Noelaerhabdaceae; Emiliania Emiliania huxleyi strain RCC1216 cytochrome c oxidase subunit III (cox3) gene, complete cds; mitochondrial
LN735233 16S rRNA plastid Emiliania huxleyi Eukaryota; Haptophyceae; Isochrysidales; Noelaerhabdaceae; Emiliania Emiliania huxleyi chloroplast partial 16S rRNA gene, strain RCC 1216

Associated references

Displaying 1 - 17 of 17
Beuvier T., Probert I., Beaufort L., Suchéras-Marx B., Chushkin Y., Zontone F., Gibaud A..  2019.  X-ray nanotomography of coccolithophores reveals that coccolith mass and segment number correlate with grid size. Nature Communications. 10:751. PDF icon Download pdf (3.16 MB)
von Dassow P, Ogata H, Probert I, Wincker P, Da Silva C, Audic S, Claverie J-M, de Vargas C.  2009.  Transcriptome analysis of functional differentiation between haploid and diploid cells of Emiliania huxleyi, a globally significant photosynthetic calcifying cell. Genome Biology. 10:R114. PDF icon Download pdf (1.19 MB)
Trainic M, Koren I, Sharoni S, Frada M, Segev L, Rudich Y, Vardi A.  2018.  Infection dynamics of a bloom-forming alga and its virus determine airborne coccolith emission from seawater. iScience. PDF icon Download pdf (3.32 MB)
Klintzsch T, Langer G, Nehrke G, Wieland A, Lenhart K, Keppler F.  2019.  Methane production by three widespread marine phytoplankton species: release rates, precursor compounds, and potential relevance for the environment. Biogeosciences. 16:4129–4144. PDF icon Download pdf (1.79 MB)
Klintzsch T., Langer G., Wieland A., Geisinger H., Lenhart K., Nehrke G., Keppler F..  2020.  Effects of temperature and light on methane production of widespread marine phytoplankton. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 125 PDF icon Download pdf (1.36 MB)
Ruiz E, Oosterhof M, Sandaa R-A, Larsen A, Pagarete A.  2017.  Emerging interaction patterns in the emiliania huxleyi-EhV system. Viruses. 9:61. PDF icon Download pdf (1.61 MB)
Avrahami Y, Frada MJ.  2020.  Detection of phagotrophy in the marine phytoplankton group of the coccolithophores (calcihaptophycidae, haptophyta) during Nutrient-replete and Phosphate-limited growth. Journal of Phycology. :jpy.12997. PDF icon Download pdf (3.04 MB)
Blanco-Ameijeiras S, Lebrato M, Stoll HM, Iglesias-Rodriguez D, Müller MN, Méndez-Vicente A, Oschlies A.  2016.  Phenotypic variability in the coccolithophore emiliania huxleyi.. PloS one. 11:e0157697. PDF icon Download pdf (1 MB)
Bramucci AR, Case RJ.  2019.  Phaeobacter inhibens induces apoptosis-like programmed cell death in calcifying Emiliania huxleyi. Scientific Reports. 9:1–12. PDF icon Download pdf (2.96 MB)
Tostevin R, Snow JT, Zhang Q, Tosca NJ, Rickaby REM.  2021.  The influence of elevated SiO2(aq) on intracellular silica uptake and microbial metabolism. Geobiology. n/a PDF icon Download pdf (1.9 MB)
Suchéras-Marx B, Viseur S, Walker CE, Beaufort L, Probert I, Bolton C.  2022.  Coccolith size rules – What controls the size of coccoliths during coccolithogenesis? Marine Micropaleontology. 170:102080.
Faucher G, Hoffmann L, Bach LT, Bottini C, Erba E, Riebesell U.  2017.  Impact of trace metal concentrations on coccolithophore growth and morphology: laboratory simulations of Cretaceous stress. Biogeosciences. 14:3603–3613. PDF icon Download pdf (13.72 MB)
Yang M, Batchelor-McAuley C, Barton S, Rickaby REM, Bouman HA, Compton RG.  2021.  Opto-Electrochemical Dissolution Reveals Coccolith Calcium Carbonate Content. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 60:20999–21006. PDF icon Download pdf (1.54 MB)
Fan X, Batchelor-McAuley C, Yang M, Barton S, Rickaby REM, Bouman HA, Compton RG.  2022.  Quantifying the Extent of Calcification of a Coccolithophore Using a Coulter Counter. Analytical Chemistry. :acs.analchem.2c01971. PDF icon Download pdf (2.95 MB)
Bendif EMahdi, Probert I, Archontikis OA, Young JR, Beaufort L, Rickaby RE, Filatov D.  2023.  Rapid diversification underlying the global dominance of a cosmopolitan phytoplankton. The ISME Journal. :1–11. PDF icon Download pdf (2.88 MB)
Klintzsch T, Geisinger H, Wieland A, Langer G, Nehrke G, Bizic M, Greule M, Lenhart K, Borsch C, Schroll M et al..  2023.  Stable Carbon Isotope Signature of Methane Released from Phytoplankton. Geophysical Research Letters. PDF icon Download pdf (3.63 MB)
Barton S, Yang M, Chen H, Batchelor-McAuley C, Compton R, Bouman H, Rickaby R.  2023.  A novel fluoro-electrochemical technique for classifying diverse marine nanophytoplankton. PDF icon Download pdf (1.5 MB)