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Moorthi SD, Busch M, Feudel U, Tillmann U, Krock B, Kooi BW, Brinkmann J, Chakraborty S.  2024.  Allelochemicals determine competition and grazing control in \textit{Alexandrium catenella. Harmful Algae. :102704.PDF icon Moorthi et al. - 2024 - Allelochemicals determine competition and grazing .pdf (1.14 MB)
Decelle J, Stryhanyuk H, Gallet B, Veronesi G, Schmidt M, Balzano S, Marro S, Uwizeye C, Jouneau P-H, Lupette J et al..  2019.  Algal remodeling in a ubiquitous planktonic photosymbiosis. Current Biology. 29:968–978.e4.PDF icon Decelle et al_2019_Algal remodeling in a ubiquitous planktonic photosymbiosis.pdf (5.3 MB)
Wang T, Li J, Xu Y, Zou T, Qin S.  2024.  Aggregating Synechococcus contributes to particle organic carbon export in coastal estuarine waters: Its lineage features and assembly processes. Science of The Total Environment. :170368.PDF icon Wang et al. - 2024 - Aggregating Synechococcus contributes to particle .pdf (2.07 MB)
Gu H, Li X, Chomérat N, Luo Z, Sarno D, Gourvil P, Balzano S, Siano R.  2017.  Adenoides sinensis , a new sand-dwelling dinoflagellate species from China and reexamination of A. eludens from an Atlantic strain. Phycologia. 57:1–13.PDF icon Gu et al_2017_Adenoides sinensis , a new sand-dwelling dinoflagellate species from China and.pdf (1.97 MB)
Pittera J, Partensky F, Six C.  2017.  Adaptive thermostability of light-harvesting complexes in marine picocyanobacteria. The ISME Journal. 11:112–124.PDF icon Pittera et al_2017_Adaptive thermostability of light-harvesting complexes in marine.pdf (2.07 MB)
Mahmoud RM, Sanfilippo JE, Nguyen AA, Strnat JA, Partensky F, Garczarek L, Kassem NAbo El, Kehoe DM, Schluchter WM.  2017.  Adaptation to blue light in marine synechococcus requires MpeU, an enzyme with similarity to phycoerythrobilin lyase isomerases. Frontiers in Microbiology. 8:243.PDF icon Mahmoud et al_2017_Adaptation to blue light in marine synechococcus requires MpeU, an enzyme with.pdf (1.96 MB)
Countway PD, Caron DA.  2006.  Abundance and distribution of Ostreococcus sp in the San Pedro Channel, California, as revealed by quantitative PCR. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 72:2496–2506.
Simmons MP, Sudek S, Monier A, Limardo AJ, Jimenez V, Perle CR, Elrod VA, J. Pennington T, Worden AZ.  2016.  Abundance and biogeography of picoprasinophyte ecotypes and other phytoplankton in the eastern north pacific ocean. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 82:1693–1705.PDF icon Simmons et al_2016_Abundance and biogeography of picoprasinophyte ecotypes and other phytoplankton.pdf (2.44 MB)
Bestion E, Barton S, García FC, Warfield R, Yvon-Durocher G.  2020.  Abrupt declines in marine phytoplankton production driven by warming and biodiversity loss in a microcosm experiment. Ecology Letters. 23:457–466.PDF icon Bestion et al_2020_Abrupt declines in marine phytoplankton production driven by warming and.pdf (1.26 MB)
