RCC references

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Engesmo A, Eikrem W, Seoane S, Smith K, Edvardsen B, Hofgaard A, Tomas CR.  2016.  New insights into the morphology and phylogeny of Heterosigma akashiwo (Raphidophyceae), with the description of Heterosigma minor sp. nov .. Phycologia. 55:279–294.PDF icon Engesmo et al_2018_Development of a qPCR assay to detect and quantify ichthyotoxic flagellates.pdf (2.81 MB)
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Amiraux R, Jeanthon C, Vaultier F, Rontani J-F.  2016.  Paradoxical effects of temperature and solar irradiance on the photodegradation state of killed phytoplankton. Journal of Phycology. 52:475–485.PDF icon Amiraux et al_2016_Paradoxical effects of temperature and solar irradiance on the photodegradation.pdf (976.78 KB)
Blanco-Ameijeiras S, Lebrato M, Stoll HM, Iglesias-Rodriguez D, Müller MN, Méndez-Vicente A, Oschlies A.  2016.  Phenotypic variability in the coccolithophore emiliania huxleyi.. PloS one. 11:e0157697.PDF icon Blanco-Ameijeiras et al_2016_Phenotypic variability in the coccolithophore emiliania huxleyi.pdf (1 MB)
Santos ALopes dos, Gourvil P, Rodriguez-Hernandez F, Garrido JLuis, Vaulot D.  2016.  Photosynthetic pigments of oceanic Chlorophyta belonging to prasinophytes clade VII. Journal of Phycology. 52:148–155.PDF icon Lopes dos Santos et al_2016_Photosynthetic pigments of oceanic Chlorophyta belonging to prasinophytes clade.pdf (979.53 KB)
Tragin M, Santos ALopes dos, Christen R., Vaulot D..  2016.  Phylogenetic diversity and ecology of green micro algae in marine systems. Perspectives in Phycology. in pressPDF icon Tragin et al_2016_Phylogenetic diversity and ecology of green micro algae in marine systems.pdf (1.94 MB)
Stawiarski B, Buitenhuis ET, Le Quéré C.  2016.  The physiological response of picophytoplankton to temperature and its model representation. Fronitiers in Marine Science. 3:1–13.PDF icon Stawiarski et al_2016_The physiological response of picophytoplankton to temperature and its model.pdf (1.34 MB)
Garrido JL, Brunet C, Rodríguez F.  2016.  Pigment variations in Emiliania huxleyi (CCMP370) as a response to changes in light intensity or quality. Environmental Microbiology. 18:4412–4425.PDF icon Garrido et al_2016_Pigment variations in Emiliania huxleyi (CCMP370) as a response to changes in.pdf (1.75 MB)
Percopo I, Ruggiero MValeria, Balzano S, Gourvil P, Lundholm N, Siano R, Tammilehto A, Vaulot D, Sarno D.  2016.  Pseudo-nitzschia arctica sp. nov., a new cold-water cryptic Pseudo-nitzschia species within the P. pseudodelicatissima complex. Journal of Phycology. 52:184–199.PDF icon Percopo et al_2016_Pseudo-nitzschia arctica sp.pdf (771.04 KB)
Bendif EMahdi, Probert I, Díaz-Rosas F, Thomas D, van den Engh G, Young JR, von Dassow P.  2016.  Recent reticulate evolution in the ecologically dominant lineage of coccolithophores. Frontiers in Microbiology. 7PDF icon Bendif et al_2016_Recent reticulate evolution in the ecologically dominant lineage of.pdf (4.89 MB)
Durak GM, Taylor AR, Probert I, de Vargas C, Audic S, Schroeder DC, Brownlee C, Wheeler GL.  2016.  A role for diatom-like silicon transporters in calcifying coccolithophores. Nature Communications. 7:10543.PDF icon Durak et al_2016_A role for diatom-like silicon transporters in calcifying coccolithophores.pdf (1.95 MB)
Vannier T, Leconte J, Seeleuthner Y, Mondy S, Pelletier E, Aury J-M, de Vargas C, Sieracki M, Iudicone D, Vaulot D et al..  2016.  Survey of the green picoalga Bathycoccus genomes in the global ocean. Scientific Reports. 6:37900.PDF icon Vannier et al_2016_Survey of the green picoalga Bathycoccus genomes in the global ocean.pdf (2.44 MB)
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Šupraha L, Gerecht AC, Probert I, Henderiks J.  2015.  Eco-physiological adaptation shapes the response of calcifying algae to nutrient limitation. Scientific Reports. 5:16499.PDF icon Supraha et al_2015_Eco-physiological adaptation shapes the response of calcifying algae to.pdf (884.42 KB)
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Schaum C-E, Rost B, Collins S.  2015.  Environmental stability affects phenotypic evolution in a globally distributed marine picoplankton. The ISME Journal. :1–10.PDF icon Schaum, Rost, Collins - Environmental stability affects phenotypic evolution in a globally distributed marine picoplankton.pdf (814.38 KB)
Wheeler G, Ishikawa T, Pornsaksit V, Smirnoff N.  2015.  Evolution of alternative biosynthetic pathways for vitamin C following plastid acquisition in photosynthetic eukaryotes. eLife. 4:1–25.PDF icon Wheeler et al_2015_Evolution of alternative biosynthetic pathways for vitamin C following plastid.pdf (2.17 MB)
Astorga-Eló M, Ramírez-Flandes S, DeLong EF, Ulloa O.  2015.  Genomic potential for nitrogen assimilation in uncultivated members of Prochlorococcus from an anoxic marine zone. The ISME Journal. 9:1264–1267.PDF icon Astorga-Elo et al_2015_Genomic potential for nitrogen assimilation in uncultivated members of.pdf (2.39 MB)
Schmidt M, Horn S, Ehlers K, Wilhelm C, Schnetter R.  2015.  Guanchochroma wildpretii gen. et spec. nov. (ochrophyta) provides new insights into the diversification and evolution of the algal class synchromophyceae.. PloS one. 10:e0131821.PDF icon Schmidt et al_2015_Guanchochroma wildpretii gen.pdf (4.34 MB)
Baudoux A-C, Lebredonchel H, Dehmer H, Latimier M, Edern R, Rigaut-Jalabert F, Ge P, Guillou L, Foulon E, Bozec Y et al..  2015.  Interplay between the genetic clades of ¡i¿Micromonas¡/i¿ and their viruses in the Western English Channel.. Environmental microbiology reports. PDF icon Baudoux et al_2015_Interplay between the genetic clades of ¡i¿Micromonas¡-i¿ and their viruses in.pdf (893.97 KB)
Simmons MP, Bachy C, Sudek S, van Baren MJ, Sudek L, Ares M, Worden AZ.  2015.  Intron invasions trace algal speciation and reveal nearly identical Arctic and Antarctic Micromonas populations.. Molecular biology and evolution.
Bendif EMahdi, Probert I, Young JR, von Dassow P.  2015.  Morphological and phylogenetic characterization of new gephyrocapsa isolates suggests introgressive hybridization in the Emiliania/Gephyrocapsa complex (haptophyta). Protist. 166:323–336.PDF icon Bendif et al_2015_Morphological and phylogenetic characterization of new gephyrocapsa isolates.pdf (3.35 MB)
