RCC references

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Frada M, Probert I, Allen MJ, Wilson WH, de Vargas C.  2008.  The “Cheshire Cat” escape strategy of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi in response to viral infection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105:15944–15949.PDF icon Frada et al_2008_The “Cheshire Cat” escape strategy of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi in.pdf (886.03 KB)
Jancek S, Gourbiere S, Moreau H, Piganeau G.  2008.  Clues about the genetic basis of adaptation emerge from comparing the proteomes of two Ostreococcus ecotypes (Chlorophyta, Prasinophyceae). Molecular Biology and Evolution. 25:2293–2300.PDF icon Jancek et al_2008_Clues about the genetic basis of adaptation emerge from comparing the proteomes.pdf (263.79 KB)
Six C, Finkel ZV, Rodriguez F, Marie D, Partensky F, Campbell DA.  2008.  Contrasting photoacclimation strategies in ecotypes of the eukayotic picoplankter ¡i¿Ostreococcus¡/i¿. Limnology and Oceanography. 53:255–265.PDF icon Six et al_2008_Contrasting photoacclimation strategies in ecotypes of the eukayotic.pdf (486.58 KB)
Vaulot D, Eikrem W, Viprey M, Moreau H.  2008.  The diversity of small eukaryotic phytoplankton (¡3 µm) in marine ecosystems. 32:795–820.PDF icon Vaulot et al_2008_The diversity of small eukaryotic phytoplankton (¡3 µm) in marine ecosystems.pdf (1.41 MB)
Foulon E, Not F, Jalabert F, Cariou T, Massana R, Simon N.  2008.  Ecological niche partitioning in the picoplanktonic green alga Micromonas pusilla: evidence from environmental surveys using phylogenetic probes. Environmental Microbiology. 10:2433–2443.PDF icon Foulon et al_2008_Ecological niche partitioning in the picoplanktonic green alga Micromonas.pdf (2.02 MB)
Claquin P, Probert I, Lefebvre S, Veron B.  2008.  Effects of temperature on photosynthetic parameters and TEP production in eight species of marine microalgae. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 51:1–11.PDF icon Claquin et al_2008_Effects of temperature on photosynthetic parameters and TEP production in eight.pdf (548.15 KB)
Misumi O, Yoshida Y, Nishida K, Fujiwara T, Sakajiri T, Hirooka S, Nishimura Y, Kuroiwa T.  2008.  Genome analysis and its significance in four unicellular algae, Cyanidioshyzon merolae, Ostreococcus tauri, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, and Thalassiosira pseudonana. Journal of Plant Research. 121:3–17.
Derelle E, Ferraz C, Escande M-L, Eychenié S, Cooke R, Piganeau G, Desdevises Y, Bellec L, Moreau H, Grimsley N.  2008.  Life-cycle and genome of OtV5, a large DNA virus of the pelagic marine unicellular green alga ¡i¿Ostreococcus tauri¡/i¿. PLoS ONE. 3:e2250.PDF icon Derelle et al_2008_Life-cycle and genome of OtV5, a large DNA virus of the pelagic marine.pdf (536.39 KB)
Descles J, Vartanian M, A Harrak E, Quinet M, Bremond N, Sapriel G, Bibette J, Lopez PJ.  2008.  New tools for labeling silica in living diatoms. New Phytologist. 177:822–829.PDF icon Descles et al_2008_New tools for labeling silica in living diatoms.pdf (277.23 KB)
Cardol P, Bailleul B, Rappaport F, Derelle E, Baal D, Breyton C, Bailey S, Wollman FAndré, Grossman A, Moreau H et al..  2008.  An original adaptation of photosynthesis in the marine green alga Ostreococcus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105:7881–7886.PDF icon Cardol et al_2008_An original adaptation of photosynthesis in the marine green alga Ostreococcus.pdf (636.13 KB)
Fountain SJ, Cao LS, Young MT, North RA.  2008.  Permeation properties of a P2X receptor in the green algae Ostreococcus tauri. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 283:15122–15126.PDF icon Fountain et al_2008_Permeation properties of a P2X receptor in the green algae Ostreococcus tauri.pdf (251.25 KB)
Bowler C, Allen AE, Badger JH, Grimwood J, Jabbari K, Kuo A, Maheswari U, Martens C, Maumus F, Otillar RP et al..  2008.  The Phaeodactylum genome reveals the evolutionary history of diatom genomes. Nature. 456:239–244.PDF icon Bowler et al_2008_The Phaeodactylum genome reveals the evolutionary history of diatom genomes.pdf (436.19 KB)
Rodriguez F, Feist SW, Guillou L, Harkestad LS, Bateman K, Renault T, Mortensen S.  2008.  Phylogenetic and morphological characterization of the green algae infesting blue mussel Mytilus edulis in the North and South Atlantic. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 81:231–240.
Le Gall F, Rigaut-Jalabert F, Marie D, Garczareck L, Viprey M, Godet A, Vaulot D.  2008.  Picoplankton diversity in the south-east pacific ocean from cultures. Biogeosciences. 5:203–214.
Jouenne F, Probert I, Vaulot D.  2008.  Plankton taxonomy in the computer age. Cahiers de Biologie Marine. 49:355–367.PDF icon Jouenne et al_2008_Plankton taxonomy in the computer age.pdf (203.92 KB)
Viprey M, Guillou L, Ferréol M, Vaulot D.  2008.  Wide genetic diversity of picoplanktonic green algae (Chloroplastida) in the Mediterranean Sea uncovered by a phylum-biased PCR approach. Environmental Microbiology. 10:1804–1822.PDF icon Viprey et al_2008_Wide genetic diversity of picoplanktonic green algae (Chloroplastida) in the.pdf (2.81 MB)
Robbens S, Derelle E, Ferraz C, Wuyts J, Moreau H, Van de Peer Y.  2007.  The complete chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA sequence of Ostreococcus tauri: organelle genomes of the smallest eukaryote are examples of compaction. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 24:956–968.
Six C, Thomas J.-C., Garczarek L, Ostrowski M, Dufresne A, Blot N, Scanlan DJ, Partensky F.  2007.  Diversity and evolution of phycobilisomes in marine Synechococcus spp. - a comparative genomics study. Genome Biology. 8:R259.PDF icon Six et al_2007_Diversity and evolution of phycobilisomes in marine Synechococcus spp.pdf (1.03 MB)
Waters ER, Rioflorido I.  2007.  Evolutionary analysis of the small heat shock proteins in five complete algal genomes. Journal of Molecular Evolution. 65:162–174.
Lobanov AV, Fomenko DE, Zhang Y, Sengupta A, Hatfield DL, Gladyshev VN.  2007.  Evolutionary dynamics of eukaryotic selenoproteomes: large selenoproteomes may associate with aquatic life and small with terrestrial life. Genome Biology. 8:R198.
Probert I, Fresnel J, Billard C, Geisen M, Young JR.  2007.  Light and electron microscope observations of Algirosphaera robusta (Prymnesiophyceae). Journal of Phycology. 43:319–332.PDF icon Probert et al_2007_Light and electron microscope observations of Algirosphaera robusta.pdf (1019.99 KB)
Kettler G, Martiny AC, Huang K, Zucker J, Coleman ML, Rodrigue S, Chen F, Lapidus A, Ferriera S, Johnson J et al..  2007.  Patterns and implications of gene gain and loss in the evolution of Prochlorococcus. PLoS genetics. 3:e231.PDF icon Kettler et al_2007_Patterns and implications of gene gain and loss in the evolution of.pdf (664.09 KB)
Dimier C, Corato F, Saviello G, Brunet C.  2007.  Photophysiological properties of the marine picoeukaryote Picochlorum RCC 237 (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta). Journal of Phycology. 43:275–283.
