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Thomy J, Sanchez F, Gut M, Cruz F, Alioto T, Piganeau G, Grimsley N, Yau S.  2021.  Combining Nanopore and Illumina Sequencing Permits Detailed Analysis of Insertion Mutations and Structural Variations Produced by PEG-Mediated Transformation in Ostreococcus tauri. PDF icon Thomy et al. - 2021 - Combining Nanopore and Illumina Sequencing Permits.pdf (1.99 MB)
Thomy J, Sanchez F, Gut M, Cruz F, Alioto T, Piganeau G, Grimsley N, Yau S.  2021.  Combining Nanopore and Illumina Sequencing Permits Detailed Analysis of Insertion Mutations and Structural Variations Produced by PEG-Mediated Transformation in Ostreococcus tauri. Cells. 10:664.PDF icon Thomy et al. - 2021 - Combining Nanopore and Illumina Sequencing Permits.pdf (1.99 MB)
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