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Saide A, Riccio G, Ianora A, Lauritano C.  2023.  The Diatom Cylindrotheca closterium and the Chlorophyll Breakdown Product Pheophorbide a for Photodynamic Therapy Applications. Applied Sciences. 13:2590.PDF icon Saide et al_2023_The Diatom Cylindrotheca closterium and the Chlorophyll Breakdown Product.pdf (726.72 KB)
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Ruan Z, Lu M, Lin H, Chen S, Li P, Chen W, Xu H, Qiu D.  2023.  Different photosynthetic responses of haploid and diploid Emiliania huxleyi (Prymnesiophyceae) to high light and ultraviolet radiation. Bioresources and Bioprocessing. 10:40.PDF icon Ruan et al_2023_Different photosynthetic responses of haploid and diploid Emiliania huxleyi.pdf (1.62 MB)
Dufour L, Garczarek L, Gouriou B, Clairet J, Ratin M, Partensky F.  2024.  Differential acclimation kinetics of the two forms of type IV chromatic acclimaters occurring in marine Synechococcus cyanobacteria. Frontiers in Microbiology. 15:1349322.PDF icon Dufour et al_2024_Differential acclimation kinetics of the two forms of type IV chromatic.pdf (2.03 MB)
Dadaglio L, Dinasquet J, Obernosterer I, Joux F.  2018.  Differential responses of bacteria to diatom-derived dissolved organic matter in the Arctic Ocean. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 82:59–72.PDF icon Dadaglio et al_2018_Differential responses of bacteria to diatom-derived dissolved organic matter.pdf (254.5 KB)
Gutierrez-Rodriguez A, Pillet L, Biard T, Said-Ahmad W, Amrani A, Simó R, Not F.  2017.  Dimethylated sulfur compounds in symbiotic protists: A potentially significant source for marine DMS(P). Limnology and Oceanography. PDF icon Gutierrez-Rodriguez et al_2017_Dimethylated sulfur compounds in symbiotic protists.pdf (909.17 KB)
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Franklin DJ, Steinke M, Young J, Probert I, Malin G.  2010.  Dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP), DMSP-lyase activity (DLA) and dimethylsulphide (DMS) in 10 species of coccolithophore. Marine Ecology-Progress Series. 410:13–23.PDF icon Franklin et al_2010_Dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP), DMSP-lyase activity (DLA) and.pdf (682.88 KB)
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Kayal E, Alves-de-Souza C, Farhat S, Velo-Suarez L, Monjol J, Szymczak J, Bigeard E, Marie D, Noel B, Porcel BM et al..  2020.  Dinoflagellate host chloroplasts and mitochondria remain functional during amoebophrya infection. Frontiers in Microbiology. 11:1–11.PDF icon Kayal et al_2020_Dinoflagellate host chloroplasts and mitochondria remain functional during.pdf (2.37 MB)
Lepelletier F, Karpov SA, Alacid E, Le Panse S, Bigeard E, Garcés E, Jeanthon C, Guillou L.  2014.  Dinomyces arenysensis gen. et sp. nov. (rhizophydiales, dinomycetaceae fam. nov.), a chytrid infecting marine dinoflagellates. Protist. 165:230–244.PDF icon Lepelletier et al_2014_Dinomyces arenysensis gen.pdf (16.28 MB)
Long M, Marie D, Szymczak J, Toullec J, Bigeard E, Sourisseau M, Le Gac M, Guillou L, Jauzein C.  2021.  Dinophyceae can use exudates as weapons against the parasite Amoebophrya sp. (Syndiniales). ISME Communications. 1:1–10.PDF icon Long et al. - 2021 - Dinophyceae can use exudates as weapons against th.pdf (1.72 MB)
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Organelli E, Nuccio C, Lazzara L, Uitz J, Bricaud A, Massi L.  2017.  On the discrimination of multiple phytoplankton groups from light absorption spectra of assemblages with mixed taxonomic composition and variable light conditions. Applied Optics. 56:3952.PDF icon Organelli et al_2017_On the discrimination of multiple phytoplankton groups from light absorption.pdf (1.68 MB)
Xie E, Xu K, Li Z, Li W, Yi X, Li H, Han Y, Zhang H, Zhang Y.  2021.  Disentangling the Effects of Ocean Carbonation and Acidification on Elemental Contents and Macromolecules of the Coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi. Frontiers in Microbiology. 12:3188.PDF icon Xie et al. - 2021 - Disentangling the Effects of Ocean Carbonation and.pdf (3.38 MB)
Fitzsimons MF, Probert I, Gaillard F, Rees AP.  2020.  Dissolved organic phosphorus uptake by marine phytoplankton is enhanced by the presence of dissolved organic nitrogen. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 530-531:151434.PDF icon Fitzsimons et al_2020_Dissolved organic phosphorus uptake by marine phytoplankton is enhanced by the.pdf (790.37 KB)
Hennon GMM, Limón MDHernán, Haley ST, Juhl AR, Dyhrman ST.  2017.  Diverse CO2-Induced responses in physiology and gene expression among eukaryotic phytoplankton. Frontiers in Microbiology. 8:1–14.PDF icon Hennon et al_2017_Diverse CO2-Induced responses in physiology and gene expression among.pdf (1.95 MB)
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Guillou L, van der Staay SYMoon-, Claustre H, Partensky F, Vaulot D.  1999.  Diversity and abundance of Bolidophyceae (Heterokonta) in two oceanic regions. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 65:4528–4536.PDF icon Guillou et al_1999_Diversity and abundance of Bolidophyceae (Heterokonta) in two oceanic regions.pdf (176 KB)
Edvardsen B, Egge ESirnaes, Vaulot D.  2016.  Diversity and distribution of haptophytes revealed by environmental sequencing and metabarcoding – a review. Perspectives in Phycology. 3:77–91.PDF icon Edvardsen et al_2016_Diversity and distribution of haptophytes revealed by environmental sequencing.pdf (335.47 KB)
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Six C, Thomas J.-C., Garczarek L, Ostrowski M, Dufresne A, Blot N, Scanlan DJ, Partensky F.  2007.  Diversity and evolution of phycobilisomes in marine Synechococcus spp. - a comparative genomics study. Genome Biology. 8:R259.PDF icon Six et al_2007_Diversity and evolution of phycobilisomes in marine Synechococcus spp.pdf (1.03 MB)
