RCC references

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Walker CE, Taylor AR, Langer G, Durak GM, Heath S, Probert I, Tyrrell T, Brownlee C, Wheeler GL.  2018.  The requirement for calcification differs between ecologically important coccolithophore species. New Phytologist. in pressPDF icon Walker et al_2018_The requirement for calcification differs between ecologically important.pdf (1.97 MB)
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Edvardsen B, Eikrem W, Throndsen J, A. S, Probert I, Medlin L.  2011.  Ribosomal DNA phylogenies and a morphological revision privide the basis for a new taxonomy of Prymnesiales (Haptophyta). European Journal of Phycology. 46:202–228.PDF icon Edvardsen et al_2011_Ribosomal DNA phylogenies and a morphological revision privide the basis for a.pdf (298.42 KB)
Durak GM, Taylor AR, Probert I, de Vargas C, Audic S, Schroeder DC, Brownlee C, Wheeler GL.  2016.  A role for diatom-like silicon transporters in calcifying coccolithophores. Nature Communications. 7:10543.PDF icon Durak et al_2016_A role for diatom-like silicon transporters in calcifying coccolithophores.pdf (1.95 MB)
Langer G, Taylor AR, Walker CE, Meyer EM, Ben Joseph O, Gal A, Harper GM, Probert I, Brownlee C, Wheeler GL.  2021.  Role of silicon in the development of complex crystal shapes in coccolithophores. New Phytologist. 231:1845–1857.PDF icon Langer et al. - 2021 - Role of silicon in the development of complex crys.pdf (2.03 MB)
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Gaignard C., Laroche C., Pierre G., Dubessay P., Delattre C., Gardarin C., Gourvil P., Probert I., Dubuffet A., Michaud P..  2019.  Screening of marine microalgae: Investigation of new exopolysaccharide producers. Algal Research. 44:101711.PDF icon Gaignard et al_2019_Screening of marine microalgae.pdf (2.59 MB)
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Parsy A, Sambusiti C, Baldoni-Andrey P, Périé F, Guyoneaud R.  2023.  Selection of photosynthetic microorganisms grown in artificial saline industrial effluents with liquid digestate: From screening to consortium cultures. Algal Research. :103061.PDF icon Parsy et al_2023_Selection of photosynthetic microorganisms grown in artificial saline.pdf (987.35 KB)
Hepach H, Hughes C, Hogg K, Collings S, Chance R.  2020.  Senescence as the main driver of iodide release from a diverse range of marine phytoplankton. Biogeosciences. 17:2453–2471.PDF icon Hepach et al_2020_Senescence as the main driver of iodide release from a diverse range of marine.pdf (3.5 MB)
Beaufort L, Probert I, de Garidel-Thoron T, Bendif EM, Ruiz-Pino D, Metzl N, Goyet C, Buchet N, Coupel P, Grelaud M et al..  2011.  Sensitivity of coccolithophores to carbonate chemistry and ocean acidification. Nature. 476:80–83.PDF icon Beaufort et al_2011_Sensitivity of coccolithophores to carbonate chemistry and ocean acidification.pdf (621.83 KB)
Croteau D., Lacour T., Schiffrine N., Morin P.-I., Forget M.-H., Bruyant F., Ferland J., Lafond A., Campbell D.A, Tremblay J.-E. et al..  2022.  Shifts in growth light optima among diatom species support their succession during the spring bloom in the Arctic. Journal of Ecology. n/aPDF icon Croteau et al. - Shifts in growth light optima among diatom species.pdf (1.52 MB)
Tsuboi S, Yamaguchi H, Fuchida S, Koshikawa H, Kawachi M.  2019.  Short-term changes in marine prokaryotic and eukaryotic microalgal communities exposed to the leachate of a seafloor hydrothermal sulfide. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 230:175.
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