RCC references

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Author Title [ Year(Desc)]
Decelle J, Stryhanyuk H, Gallet B, Veronesi G, Schmidt M, Balzano S, Marro S, Uwizeye C, Jouneau P-H, Lupette J et al..  2019.  Algal remodeling in a ubiquitous planktonic photosymbiosis. Current Biology. 29:968–978.e4.PDF icon Decelle et al_2019_Algal remodeling in a ubiquitous planktonic photosymbiosis.pdf (5.3 MB)
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Zimmerman AE, Bachy C, Ma X, Roux S, Bin Jang H, Sullivan MB, Waldbauer JR, Worden AZ.  2019.  Closely related viruses of the marine picoeukaryotic alga Ostreococcus lucimarinus exhibit different ecological strategies. Environmental Microbiology. 00PDF icon Zimmerman et al_2019_Closely related viruses of the marine picoeukaryotic alga Ostreococcus.pdf (2.23 MB)
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Lacour T, Morin P-I, Sciandra T, Donaher N, Campbell DA, Ferland J, Babin M.  2019.  Decoupling light harvesting, electron transport and carbon fixation during prolonged darkness supports rapid recovery upon re-illumination in the Arctic diatom Chaetoceros neogracilis. Polar Biology. PDF icon Lacour et al_2019_Decoupling light harvesting, electron transport and carbon fixation during.pdf (1.44 MB)
M. Lorenzo R, Neale PJ, Sobrino C, León P, Vázquez V, Bresnan E, Segovia M.  2019.  Effects of elevated co 2 on growth, calcification and spectral dependence of photoinhibition in the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi (Prymnesiophyceae). Journal of Phycology. :jpy.12885.PDF icon Lorenzo et al_2019_Effects of elevated co 2 on growth, calcification and spectral dependence of.pdf (1.39 MB)
Krasovec M, Sanchez-Brosseau S, Piganeau G.  2019.  First estimation of the spontaneous mutation rate in Diatoms. Genome Biology and Evolution. 1:1–23.PDF icon Krasovec et al_2019_First estimation of the spontaneous mutation rate in Diatoms.pdf (448.33 KB)
Arsenieff L, Simon N, Rigaut-jalabert F, Le Gall F, Chaffron S, Corre E, Com E, Bigeard E, Baudoux A-claire.  2019.  First viruses infecting the marine diatom guinardia delicatula. Frontiers in Microbiology. 9PDF icon Arsenieff et al_2019_First viruses infecting the marine diatom guinardia delicatula.pdf (2.22 MB)
Weiss GM, Roepert A, Middelburg JJ, Schouten S, Damsté JSSinning, van der Meer MTJ.  2019.  Hydrogen isotope fractionation response to salinity and alkalinity in a calcifying strain of Emiliania huxleyi. Organic Geochemistry. PDF icon Weiss et al_2019_Hydrogen isotope fractionation response to salinity and alkalinity in a.pdf (205.15 KB)
Lim H, Tanaka A, Tanaka R, Ito H.  2019.  In vitro enzymatic activity assays implicate the existence of the chlorophyll cycle in chlorophyll b-Containing cyanobacteria. Plant and Cell Physiology. :1–12.PDF icon Lim et al_2019_In vitro enzymatic activity assays implicate the existence of the chlorophyll.pdf (1.35 MB)
Granata T, Habermacher P, Härri V, Egli M.  2019.  The influence of bio-optical properties of Emiliania huxleyi and Tetraselmis sp. on biomass and lipid production when exposed to different light spectra and intensities of an adjustable LED array and standard light sources. SN Applied Sciences. 1:524.PDF icon Granata et al_2019_The influence of bio-optical properties of Emiliania huxleyi and Tetraselmis sp.pdf (2.94 MB)
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Iglesias MJosé, Soengas R, Probert I, Guilloud E, Gourvil P, Mehiri M, López Y, Cepas V, Gutiérrez-del-Río I, Redondo-Blanco S et al..  2019.  NMR characterization and evaluation of antibacterial and antiobiofilm activity of organic extracts from stationary phase batch cultures of five marine microalgae (Dunaliella sp., D. salina, Chaetoceros calcitrans, C. gracilis and Tisochrysis lutea). Phytochemistry. 164:192–205.PDF icon Iglesias et al_2019_NMR characterization and evaluation of antibacterial and antiobiofilm activity.pdf (5.25 MB)
Gafar N.A, Eyre B.D, Schulz K.G.  2019.  Particulate inorganic to organic carbon production as a predictor for coccolithophorid sensitivity to ongoing ocean acidification. Limnology and Oceanography Letters. 4:62–70.PDF icon Gafar et al_2019_Particulate inorganic to organic carbon production as a predictor for.pdf (552.24 KB)
Bramucci AR, Case RJ.  2019.  Phaeobacter inhibens induces apoptosis-like programmed cell death in calcifying Emiliania huxleyi. Scientific Reports. 9:1–12.PDF icon Bramucci_Case_2019_Phaeobacter inhibens induces apoptosis-like programmed cell death in calcifying.pdf (2.96 MB)
Demory D, Baudoux A-claire, Monier A, Simon N, Six C, Ge P, Rigaut-jalabert F, Marie D, Sciandra A, Bernard O et al..  2019.  Picoeukaryotes of the Micromonas genus: sentinels of a warming ocean. The ISME Journal. 13:132–146.PDF icon Demory et al_2019_Picoeukaryotes of the Micromonas genus.pdf (2.51 MB)
Barton S, Yvon-Durocher G.  2019.  Quantifying the temperature dependence of growth rate in marine phytoplankton within and across species. Limnology and Oceanography.
Johnsen SAlexander, Bollmann J, Gebuehr C, Herrle JO.  2019.  Relationship between coccolith length and thickness in the coccolithophore species Emiliania huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa oceanica. PLOS ONE. 14:e0220725.
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Gaignard C., Laroche C., Pierre G., Dubessay P., Delattre C., Gardarin C., Gourvil P., Probert I., Dubuffet A., Michaud P..  2019.  Screening of marine microalgae: Investigation of new exopolysaccharide producers. Algal Research. 44:101711.PDF icon Gaignard et al_2019_Screening of marine microalgae.pdf (2.59 MB)
Tsuboi S, Yamaguchi H, Fuchida S, Koshikawa H, Kawachi M.  2019.  Short-term changes in marine prokaryotic and eukaryotic microalgal communities exposed to the leachate of a seafloor hydrothermal sulfide. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 230:175.
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