RCC references

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Croteau D., Lacour T., Schiffrine N., Morin P.-I., Forget M.-H., Bruyant F., Ferland J., Lafond A., Campbell D.A, Tremblay J.-E. et al..  2022.  Shifts in growth light optima among diatom species support their succession during the spring bloom in the Arctic. Journal of Ecology. n/aPDF icon Croteau et al. - Shifts in growth light optima among diatom species.pdf (1.52 MB)
Leblond JD, Elkins LC, Sabir K, Graeff JE.  2022.  Sterols of Testudodinium testudo (formerly Amphidinium testudo): Production of the Δ8(14) sterol gymnodinosterol and chemotaxonomic relationship to the Kareniaceae. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. n/a:e12929.PDF icon Leblond et al_Sterols of Testudodinium testudo (formerly Amphidinium testudo).pdf (1.2 MB)
Arin L, Reñé A, Gallisai R, Sarno D, Garcés E, Estrada M.  2022.  Taxonomic relationship between two small-sized Chaetoceros species (Bacillariophyta): C. tenuissimus and C. salsugineus , and comparison with C. olympicus sp. nov. from Catalan coastal waters (NW Mediterranean). European Journal of Phycology. 57:277–296.PDF icon Arin et al. - 2022 - Taxonomic relationship between two small-sized .pdf (8.01 MB)
Schmitt M, Telusma A, Bigeard E, Guillou L, Alves-de-Souza C.  2022.  Temperature Affects the Biological Control of Dinoflagellates by the Generalist Parasitoid Parvilucifera rostrata. Microorganisms. 10:385.PDF icon Schmitt et al_2022_Temperature Affects the Biological Control of Dinoflagellates by the Generalist.pdf (3.08 MB)
Caló G, De Marco MAgustina, Salerno GLidia, Martínez-Noël GMaría Ast.  2022.  TOR signaling in the green picoalga Ostreococcus tauri. Plant Science. 323:111390.
Das S, Souissi A, Ouddane B, Hwang J-S, Souissi S.  2022.  Trace metals exposure in three different coastal compartments show specific morphological and reproductive traits across generations in a sentinel copepod. Science of The Total Environment. :160378.PDF icon Das et al. - 2022 - Trace metals exposure in three different coastal c.pdf (1.41 MB)
Eyal Z, Krounbi L, Ben Joseph O, Avrahami EM, Pinkas I, Peled-Zehavi H, Gal A.  2022.  The variability in the structural and functional properties of coccolith base plates. Acta Biomaterialia. 148:336–344.
Stewart A, Rioux D, Boyer F, Gielly L, Pompanon F, Saillard A, Thuiller W, Valay J-G, Maréchal É, Coissac E.  2021.  Altitudinal Zonation of Green Algae Biodiversity in the French Alps. Frontiers in Plant Science. 12:1066.PDF icon Stewart et al. - 2021 - Altitudinal Zonation of Green Algae Biodiversity i.pdf (5.59 MB)
Trefault N, de la Iglesia R, Moreno-Pino M, Santos ALopes dos, Ribeiro CGérikas, Parada-Pozo G, Cristi A, Marie D, Vaulot D.  2021.  Annual phytoplankton dynamics in coastal waters from fildes bay, western antarctic peninsula. Scientific Reports. 11:1368.PDF icon Trefault et al. - Annual phytoplankton dynamics in coastal waters from Fildes Bay, Western Antarctic Peninsula.pdf (1.35 MB)
Roux P, Siano R, Collin K, Bilien G, Sinquin C, Marchand L, Zykwinska A, Delbarre-Ladrat C, Schapira M.  2021.  Bacteria enhance the production of extracellular polymeric substances by the green dinoflagellate Lepidodinium chlorophorum. Scientific Reports. 11:1–15.PDF icon Roux et al_2021_Bacteria enhance the production of extracellular polymeric substances by the.pdf (2.88 MB)
Pollara SB, Becker JW, Nunn BL, Boiteau R, Repeta D, Mudge MC, Downing G, Chase D, Harvey EL, Whalen KE.  2021.  Bacterial Quorum-Sensing Signal Arrests Phytoplankton Cell Division and Impacts Virus-Induced Mortality. mSphere. 6:e00009–21,/msphere/6/3/mSph.00009–21.atom.PDF icon Pollara et al. - 2021 - Bacterial Quorum-Sensing Signal Arrests Phytoplank.pdf (1.49 MB)
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Phelps SR, Hennon GMM, Dyhrman ST, Limón MDHernán, Williamson OM, Polissar PJ.  2021.  Carbon Isotope Fractionation in Noelaerhabdaceae Algae in Culture and a Critical Evaluation of the Alkenone Paleobarometer. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 22:e2021GC009657.PDF icon Phelps et al. - 2021 - Carbon Isotope Fractionation in Noelaerhabdaceae A.pdf (807.47 KB)
Alacid E, Richards TA.  2021.  A cell–cell atlas approach for understanding symbiotic interactions between microbes. Current Opinion in Microbiology. 64:47–59.
Thomy J, Sanchez F, Gut M, Cruz F, Alioto T, Piganeau G, Grimsley N, Yau S.  2021.  Combining Nanopore and Illumina Sequencing Permits Detailed Analysis of Insertion Mutations and Structural Variations Produced by PEG-Mediated Transformation in Ostreococcus tauri. Cells. 10:664.PDF icon Thomy et al. - 2021 - Combining Nanopore and Illumina Sequencing Permits.pdf (1.99 MB)
Thomy J, Sanchez F, Gut M, Cruz F, Alioto T, Piganeau G, Grimsley N, Yau S.  2021.  Combining Nanopore and Illumina Sequencing Permits Detailed Analysis of Insertion Mutations and Structural Variations Produced by PEG-Mediated Transformation in Ostreococcus tauri. PDF icon Thomy et al. - 2021 - Combining Nanopore and Illumina Sequencing Permits.pdf (1.99 MB)
Fernandes T, Ferreira A, Cordeiro N.  2021.  Comparative lipidomic analysis of Chlorella stigmatophora and Hemiselmis cf. andersenii in response to nitrogen-induced changes. Algal Research. 58:102417.
Croteau D, Guérin S, Bruyant F, Ferland J, Campbell DA, Babin M, Lavaud J.  2021.  Contrasting nonphotochemical quenching patterns under high light and darkness aligns with light niche occupancy in Arctic diatoms. Limnology and Oceanography. 66:S231–S245.PDF icon Croteau et al. - 2021 - Contrasting nonphotochemical quenching patterns un.pdf (1.19 MB)
Paredes E, Ward A, Probert I, Gouhier L, Campbell CN.  2021.  Cryopreservation of algae. Cryopreservation and freeze-drying protocols. 2180:607–621.PDF icon Paredes et al_2021_Cryopreservation of algae.pdf (554.86 KB)
Olusoji OD, Spaak JW, Holmes M, Neyens T, Aerts M, De Laender F.  2021.  cyanoFilter: An R package to identify phytoplankton populations from flow cytometry data using cell pigmentation and granularity. Ecological Modelling. 460:109743.PDF icon Olusoji et al_2021_cyanoFilter.pdf (1.29 MB)
Fenizia S, Weissflog J, Pohnert G.  2021.  Cysteinolic Acid Is a Widely Distributed Compatible Solute of Marine Microalgae. Marine Drugs. 19:683.PDF icon Fenizia et al_2021_Cysteinolic Acid Is a Widely Distributed Compatible Solute of Marine Microalgae.pdf (997.08 KB)
Uwizeye C, Brisbin MMars, Gallet B, Chevalier F, LeKieffre C, Schieber NL, Falconet D, Wangpraseurt D, Schertel L, Stryhanyuk H et al..  2021.  Cytoklepty in the plankton: A host strategy to optimize the bioenergetic machinery of endosymbiotic algae. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 118PDF icon Uwizeye et al. - 2021 - Cytoklepty in the plankton A host strategy to opt.pdf (3.9 MB)
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