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Soitamo A, Havurinne V, Tyystjärvi E.  2017.  Photoinhibition in marine picocyanobacteria. Physiologia Plantarum. 161:97–108.
Parks M, Nakov T, Ruck E, Wickett NJ, Alverson AJ, Rice AL, Conservation P, Botanic C, Glencoe G.  2017.  Phylogenomics reveals an extensive history of genome duplication in diatoms (Bacillariophyta). American Journal of Botany. 105:1–18.PDF icon Parks et al_2017_Phylogenomics reveals an extensive history of genome duplication in diatoms.pdf (1.23 MB)
Mackey KRM, Post AF, McIlvin MR, Saito MA.  2017.  Physiological and proteomic characterization of light adaptations in marine Synechococcus. Environmental Microbiology. 19:2348–2365.PDF icon Mackey et al_2017_Physiological and proteomic characterization of light adaptations in marine.pdf (3.51 MB)
Blanc-Mathieu R, Krasovec M, Hebrard M, Yau S, Desgranges E, Martin J, Schackwitz W, Kuo A, Salin G, Donnadieu C et al..  2017.  Population genomics of picophytoplankton unveils novel chromosome hypervariability. Science Advances. 3:e1700239.
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Limardo AJ, Sudek S, Choi CJae, Poirier C, Rii YM, Blum M, Roth R, Goodenough U, Church MJ, Worden AZ.  2017.  Quantitative biogeography of picoprasinophytes establishes ecotype distributions and significant contributions to marine phytoplankton. Environmental Microbiology. PDF icon Limardo et al_2017_Quantitative biogeography of picoprasinophytes establishes ecotype.pdf (2.02 MB)
Domínguez-Martín MAgustina, Gómez-Baena G, Díez J, López-Grueso MJosé, Beynon RJ, García-Fernández JManuel.  2017.  Quantitative proteomics shows extensive remodeling induced by nitrogen limitation in prochlorococcus marinus SS120. mSystems. 2:e00008–17.PDF icon Dominguez-Martin et al_2017_Quantitative proteomics shows extensive remodeling induced by nitrogen.pdf (3.74 MB)
Roesler C, Uitz J, Claustre H, Boss E, Xing X, Organelli E, Briggs N, Bricaud A, Schmechtig C, Poteau A et al..  2017.  Recommendations for obtaining unbiased chlorophyll estimates from in situ chlorophyll fluorometers: A global analysis of WET Labs ECO sensors. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods. 15:572–585.PDF icon Roesler et al_2017_Recommendations for obtaining unbiased chlorophyll estimates from in situ.pdf (686.25 KB)
Andersen RA, Graf L, Malakhov Y, Yoon HSu.  2017.  Rediscovery of the Ochromonas type species Ochromonas triangulata (Chrysophyceae) from its type locality (Lake Veysove, Donetsk region, Ukraine). Phycologia. 56:591–604.PDF icon Andersen et al_2017_Rediscovery of the Ochromonas type species Ochromonas triangulata.pdf (2.99 MB)
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Cuvelier ML, Guo J, Ortiz AC, van Baren MJ, Tariq MAkram, Partensky F, Worden AZ.  2017.  Responses of the picoprasinophyte Micromonas commoda to light and ultraviolet stress. PLOS ONE. 12:e0172135.PDF icon Cuvelier et al_2017_Responses of the picoprasinophyte Micromonas commoda to light and ultraviolet.pdf (3.4 MB)
Simon N, Foulon E, Grulois D, Six C, Desdevises Y, Latimier M, Le Gall F, Tragin M, Houdan A, Derelle E et al..  2017.  Revision of the genus micromonas manton et parke (chlorophyta, mamiellophyceae), of the type species m. pusilla (butcher) manton & parke and of the species m. commoda van baren, bachy and worden and description of two new species based on the genetic. Protist. 168:612–635.PDF icon Simon et al. - Revision of the Genus Micromonas Manton et Parke (Chlorophyta, Mamiellophyceae), of the Type Species M. pusilla (Butcher).pdf (7.29 MB)
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Demory D, Arsenieff L, Simon N, Six C, Rigaut-jalabert F, Marie D, Ge P, Bigeard E, Jacquet S, Sciandra A et al..  2017.  Temperature is a key factor in Micromonas–virus interactions. The ISME Journal. 11:601–612.PDF icon Demory et al_2017_Temperature is a key factor in Micromonas–virus interactions.pdf (694.6 KB)
van Tol HM, Amin SA, E Armbrust V.  2017.  Ubiquitous marine bacterium inhibits diatom cell division. The ISME Journal. 11:31–42.
Paerl RW, Bouget F-Y, Lozano J-C, Vergé V, Schatt P, Allen EE, Palenik B, Azam F.  2017.  Use of plankton-derived vitamin B1 precursors, especially thiazole-related precursor, by key marine picoeukaryotic phytoplankton. The ISME Journal. 11:753–765.PDF icon Paerl et al_2017_Use of plankton-derived vitamin B1 precursors, especially thiazole-related.pdf (2.16 MB)
Simmons MP, Sudek S, Monier A, Limardo AJ, Jimenez V, Perle CR, Elrod VA, J. Pennington T, Worden AZ.  2016.  Abundance and biogeography of picoprasinophyte ecotypes and other phytoplankton in the eastern north pacific ocean. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 82:1693–1705.PDF icon Simmons et al_2016_Abundance and biogeography of picoprasinophyte ecotypes and other phytoplankton.pdf (2.44 MB)
Leliaert F, Tronholm A, Lemieux C, Turmel M, DePriest MS, Bhattacharya D, Karol KG, Fredericq S, Zechman FW, Lopez-Bautista JM.  2016.  Chloroplast phylogenomic analyses reveal the deepest-branching lineage of the Chlorophyta, Palmophyllophyceae class. nov.. Scientific Reports. 6:25367.PDF icon Leliaert et al_2016_Chloroplast phylogenomic analyses reveal the deepest-branching lineage of the.pdf (2.32 MB)
Bolton CT, Hernández-Sánchez MT, Fuertes M-Á, González-Lemos S, Abrevaya L, Méndez-Vicente A, Flores J-A, Probert I, Giosan L, Johnson J et al..  2016.  Decrease in coccolithophore calcification and CO2 since the middle Miocene. Nature Communications. 7:10284.PDF icon Bolton et al_2016_Decrease in coccolithophore calcification and CO2 since the middle Miocene.pdf (9.1 MB)
Edvardsen B, Egge ESirnaes, Vaulot D.  2016.  Diversity and distribution of haptophytes revealed by environmental sequencing and metabarcoding – a review. Perspectives in Phycology. 3:77–91.PDF icon Edvardsen et al_2016_Diversity and distribution of haptophytes revealed by environmental sequencing.pdf (335.47 KB)
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Zheng Q, Liu Y, Jeanthon C, Zhang R, Lin W, Yao J, Jiao N.  2016.  The geographic impact on genomic divergence as revealed by comparison of nine Citromicrobial genomes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 82:AEM.02495–16.PDF icon Zheng et al_2016_The geographic impact on genomic divergence as revealed by comparison of nine.pdf (2.29 MB)
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Waltman PH, Guo J, Reistetter ENahas, Purvine S, Ansong CK, van Baren MJ, Wong C-H, Wei C-L, Smith RD, Callister SJ et al..  2016.  Identifying aspects of the post-transcriptional program governing the proteome of the green alga micromonas pusilla.. PloS one. 11:e0155839.PDF icon Waltman et al_2016_Identifying aspects of the post-transcriptional program governing the proteome.pdf (1.69 MB)
Mincer TJ, Aicher AC.  2016.  Methanol production by a broad phylogenetic array of marine phytoplankton.. PloS one. 11:e0150820.PDF icon Mincer_Aicher_2016_Methanol production by a broad phylogenetic array of marine phytoplankton.pdf (1.76 MB)
