RCC references

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Biller SJ, Berube PM, Berta-Thompson JW, Kelly L, Roggensack SE, Awad L, Roache-Johnson KH, Ding H, Giovannoni SJ, Rocap G et al..  2014.  Genomes of diverse isolates of the marine cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus. Scientific Data. 1:1–11.PDF icon Biller et al_2014_Genomes of diverse isolates of the marine cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus.pdf (225.56 KB)
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Guérin N, Ciccarella M, Flamant E, Frémont P, Mangenot S, Istace B, Noel B, Belser C, Bertrand L, Labadie K et al..  2022.  Genomic adaptation of the picoeukaryote Pelagomonas calceolata to iron-poor oceans revealed by a chromosome-scale genome sequence. Communications Biology. 5:1–14.PDF icon Guerin et al_2022_Genomic adaptation of the picoeukaryote Pelagomonas calceolata to iron-poor.pdf (4.25 MB)
Cho A, Lax G, Livingston SJ, Masukagami Y, Naumova M, Millar O, Husnik F, Keeling PJ.  2024.  Genomic analyses of Symbiomonas scintillans show no evidence for endosymbiotic bacteria but does reveal the presence of giant viruses. PLOS Genetics. 20:e1011218.PDF icon Cho et al_2024_Genomic analyses of Symbiomonas scintillans show no evidence for endosymbiotic.pdf (6.58 MB)
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Redondo ERey, Xu Y, Yung CCheuk Man.  2024.  Genomic characterisation and ecological distribution of Mantoniella tinhauana: a novel Mamiellophycean green alga from the Western Pacific. Frontiers in Microbiology. 15:1358574.PDF icon Rey Redondo et al_2024_Genomic characterisation and ecological distribution of Mantoniella tinhauana.pdf (4.43 MB)
Ruvindy R, Barua A, Bolch CJS, Sarowar C, Savela H, Murray SA.  2023.  Genomic copy number variability at the genus, species and population levels impacts in situ ecological analyses of dinoflagellates and harmful algal blooms. ISME Communications. 3:1–11.PDF icon Ruvindy et al_2023_Genomic copy number variability at the genus, species and population levels.pdf (2.58 MB)
Stuart RK, Brahamsha B, Busby K, Palenik B.  2013.  Genomic island genes in a coastal marine Synechococcus strain confer enhanced tolerance to copper and oxidative stress. The ISME Journal. 7:1139–1149.PDF icon Stuart et al_2013_Genomic island genes in a coastal marine Synechococcus strain confer enhanced.pdf (544.84 KB)
Astorga-Eló M, Ramírez-Flandes S, DeLong EF, Ulloa O.  2015.  Genomic potential for nitrogen assimilation in uncultivated members of Prochlorococcus from an anoxic marine zone. The ISME Journal. 9:1264–1267.PDF icon Astorga-Elo et al_2015_Genomic potential for nitrogen assimilation in uncultivated members of.pdf (2.39 MB)
Laloui W, Palinska KA, Rippka R, Partensky F, de Marsac NT, Herdman M, Iteman I.  2002.  Genotyping of axenic and non-axenic isolates of the genus Prochlorococcus and the OMF-'Synechococcus' clade by size, sequence analysis or RFLP of the Internal Transcribed Spacer of the ribosomal operon. Microbiology. 148:453–465.PDF icon Laloui et al_2002_Genotyping of axenic and non-axenic isolates of the genus Prochlorococcus and.pdf (614.58 KB)
Zheng Q, Liu Y, Jeanthon C, Zhang R, Lin W, Yao J, Jiao N.  2016.  The geographic impact on genomic divergence as revealed by comparison of nine Citromicrobial genomes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 82:AEM.02495–16.PDF icon Zheng et al_2016_The geographic impact on genomic divergence as revealed by comparison of nine.pdf (2.29 MB)
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Demir-Hilton E, Sudek S, Cuvelier ML, Gentemann CL, Zehr JP, Worden AZ.  2011.  Global distribution patterns of distinct clades of the photosynthetic picoeukaryote Ostreococcus. The ISME journal. 5:1095–1107.PDF icon Demir-Hilton et al_2011_Global distribution patterns of distinct clades of the photosynthetic.pdf (5.04 MB)
Chamnansinp A, Li Y, Lundholm N, Moestrup Ø.  2013.  Global diversity of two widespread, colony-forming diatoms of the marine plankton, Chaetoceros socialis (syn. C. radians ) and Chaetoceros gelidus sp. nov.. Journal of Phycology. 49:1128–1141.PDF icon Chamnansinp et al_2013_Global diversity of two widespread, colony-forming diatoms of the marine.pdf (3.02 MB)
Doré H, Leconte J, Guyet U, Breton S, Farrant GK, Demory D, Ratin M, Hoebeke M, Corre E, Pitt FD et al..  2022.  Global Phylogeography of Marine Synechococcus in Coastal Areas Reveals Strong Community Shifts. mSystems. :e00656–22.PDF icon Dore et al_2022_Global Phylogeography of Marine Synechococcus in Coastal Areas Reveals Strong.pdf (1.87 MB)
Degraeve-Guilbault C, Bréhélin C, Haslam R, Sayanova O, Marie-Luce G, Jouhet J, Corellou F.  2017.  Glycerolipid characterization and nutrient deprivation-associated changes in the green picoalga ostreococcus tauri. Plant Physiology. 173:2060–2080.PDF icon Degraeve-Guilbault et al_2017_Glycerolipid characterization and nutrient deprivation-associated changes in.pdf (2.8 MB)
Guillou L, Jacquet S, Chrétiennot-Dinet M.-J., Vaulot D.  2001.  Grazing impact of two small heterotrophic flagellates on Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 26:201–207.PDF icon Guillou et al_2001_Grazing impact of two small heterotrophic flagellates on Prochlorococcus and.pdf (32 KB)
Worden AZ, Lee J.-H, Mock T, Rouzé P, Simmons MP, Aerts AL, Allen AE, Cuvelier ML, Derelle E, Everett MV et al..  2009.  Green evolution and dynamic adaptations revealed by genomes of the marine picoeukaryotes Micromonas. Science. 324:268–272.
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Liao S, Huang Y.  2022.  Group 2i Isochrysidales flourishes at exceedingly low growth temperatures (0 to 6 °C). Organic Geochemistry. :104512.PDF icon Liao et Huang - 2022 - Group 2i Isochrysidales flourishes at exceedingly .pdf (862.05 KB)
Wang KJiaxi, Huang Y, Majaneva M, Belt ST, Liao S, Novak J, Kartzinel TR, Herbert TD, Richter N, Cabedo-Sanz P.  2021.  Group 2i Isochrysidales produce characteristic alkenones reflecting sea ice distribution. Nature Communications. 12:15.PDF icon Wang et al_2021_Group 2i Isochrysidales produce characteristic alkenones reflecting sea ice.pdf (2.14 MB)
Schiffrine N, Tremblay J-éric, Babin M.  2020.  Growth and elemental stoichiometry of the ecologically-relevant arctic diatom chaetoceros gelidus: A mix of polar and temperate. Frontiers in Marine Science. 6PDF icon Schiffrine et al_2020_Growth and elemental stoichiometry of the ecologically-relevant arctic diatom.pdf (1.05 MB)
Giovagnetti V, Cataldo ML, Conversano F, Brunet C.  2012.  Growth and photophysiological responses of two picoplanktonic ¡i¿Minutocellus species¡/i¿, strains RCC967 and RCC703 (Bacillariophyceae). European Journal of Phycology. 47:408–420.PDF icon Giovagnetti et al_2012_Growth and photophysiological responses of two picoplanktonic ¡i¿Minutocellus.pdf (912.82 KB)
López-Pacheco IY, Ayala-Moreno VGuadalupe, Mejia-Melara CArlette, Rodríguez-Rodríguez J, Cuellar-Bermudez SP, González-González RBerenice, Coronado-Apodaca KG, Farfan-Cabrera LI, González-Meza GMaría, Iqbal HMN et al..  2023.  Growth Behavior, Biomass Composition and Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAMEs) Production Potential of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, and Chlorella vulgaris Cultures. Marine Drugs. 21:450.PDF icon López-Pacheco et al. - 2023 - Growth Behavior, Biomass Composition and Fatty Aci.pdf (2.38 MB)
Wolhowe MD, Prahl FG, Probert I, Maldonado M.  2009.  Growth phase dependent hydrogen isotopic fractionation in alkenone-producing haptophytes. Biogeosciences. 6:1681–1694.PDF icon Wolhowe et al_2009_Growth phase dependent hydrogen isotopic fractionation in alkenone-producing.pdf (770.38 KB)
