RCC references

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Palacio AS, Cabello AMaría, García FC, Labban A, Morán XAnxelu G, Garczarek L, Alonso-Sáez L, López-Urrutia Á.  2020.  Changes in population age-structure obscure the temperature-size rule in marine cyanobacteria. Frontiers in Microbiology. 11:2059.PDF icon Palacio et al_2020_Changes in population age-structure obscure the temperature-size rule in marine.pdf (1.72 MB)
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Ribeiro CGérikas, Santos ALopes dos, Gourvil P, Le Gall F, Marie D, Tragin M, Probert I, Vaulot D.  2020.  Culturable diversity of Arctic phytoplankton during pack ice melting. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene. 8:6.PDF icon Ribeiro et al_2020_Culturable diversity of Arctic phytoplankton during pack ice melting.pdf (6.82 MB)
Avrahami Y, Frada MJ.  2020.  Detection of phagotrophy in the marine phytoplankton group of the coccolithophores (calcihaptophycidae, haptophyta) during Nutrient-replete and Phosphate-limited growth. Journal of Phycology. :jpy.12997.PDF icon Avrahami_Frada_2020_Detection of phagotrophy in the marine phytoplankton group of the.pdf (3.04 MB)
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Wittek B, Carnat G, Delille B, Tison J-L, Gypens N.  2020.  Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) cell quotas variations arising from sea ice shifts of salinity and temperature in the Prymnesiophyceae Phaeocystis antarctica. Environmental Chemistry.
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Kayal E, Alves-de-Souza C, Farhat S, Velo-Suarez L, Monjol J, Szymczak J, Bigeard E, Marie D, Noel B, Porcel BM et al..  2020.  Dinoflagellate host chloroplasts and mitochondria remain functional during amoebophrya infection. Frontiers in Microbiology. 11:1–11.PDF icon Kayal et al_2020_Dinoflagellate host chloroplasts and mitochondria remain functional during.pdf (2.37 MB)
Fitzsimons MF, Probert I, Gaillard F, Rees AP.  2020.  Dissolved organic phosphorus uptake by marine phytoplankton is enhanced by the presence of dissolved organic nitrogen. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 530-531:151434.PDF icon Fitzsimons et al_2020_Dissolved organic phosphorus uptake by marine phytoplankton is enhanced by the.pdf (790.37 KB)
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Kuwata A, Saitoh K, Nakamura Y, Ichinomiya M, Sato N.  2020.  Draft whole-genome sequence of triparma laevis f. inornata (parmales, bolidophyceae), isolated from the oyashio region, western north pacific ocean. Microbiology Resource Announcements. 9:13–14.PDF icon Kuwata et al_2020_Draft whole-genome sequence of triparma laevis f.pdf (16 KB)
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Klintzsch T., Langer G., Wieland A., Geisinger H., Lenhart K., Nehrke G., Keppler F..  2020.  Effects of temperature and light on methane production of widespread marine phytoplankton. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 125PDF icon Klintzsch et al_2020_Effects of temperature and light on methane production of widespread marine.pdf (1.36 MB)
Morais SL, Barros P, Santos M, Delerue-Matos C, Gomes AC, M. Barroso F.  2020.  Electrochemical genosensor for the detection of Alexandrium minutum dinoflagellates. Talanta. :121416.PDF icon Morais et al_2020_Electrochemical genosensor for the detection of Alexandrium minutum.pdf (2.35 MB)
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Hackl T, Martin R, Barenhoff K, Duponchel S, Heider D, Fischer MG.  2020.  Four high-quality draft genome assemblies of the marine heterotrophic nanoflagellate Cafeteria roenbergensis. Scientific Data. 7:29.PDF icon Hackl et al_2020_Four high-quality draft genome assemblies of the marine heterotrophic.pdf (555.19 KB)
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B. Belisle S, Paz AAAvila, Carpenter AR, Cormier TC, Lewis AJ, Menin LS, Oliveira DR, Song B, Szeto A, Tchantouridze EI et al..  2020.  Genome sequences of synechococcus sp. Strain MIT S9220 and cocultured cyanophage SynMITS9220M01. Microbiology Resource Announcements. 9:28–30.PDF icon Belisle et al_2020_Genome sequences of synechococcus sp.pdf (547.86 KB)
Schiffrine N, Tremblay J-éric, Babin M.  2020.  Growth and elemental stoichiometry of the ecologically-relevant arctic diatom chaetoceros gelidus: A mix of polar and temperate. Frontiers in Marine Science. 6PDF icon Schiffrine et al_2020_Growth and elemental stoichiometry of the ecologically-relevant arctic diatom.pdf (1.05 MB)
Fernandes T, Cordeiro N.  2020.  Hemiselmis andersenii and chlorella stigmatophora as new sources of High-value compounds: A lipidomic approach. Journal of Phycology. :jpy.13042.
