RCC references

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Gu H, Li X, Chomérat N, Luo Z, Sarno D, Gourvil P, Balzano S, Siano R.  2017.  Adenoides sinensis , a new sand-dwelling dinoflagellate species from China and reexamination of A. eludens from an Atlantic strain. Phycologia. 57:1–13.PDF icon Gu et al_2017_Adenoides sinensis , a new sand-dwelling dinoflagellate species from China and.pdf (1.97 MB)
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Santos ALopes dos, Pollina T, Gourvil P, Corre E, Marie D, Garrido JLuis, Rodríguez F, Noël M-H, Vaulot D, Eikrem W.  2017.  Chloropicophyceae, a new class of picophytoplanktonic prasinophytes. Scientific Reports. 7:14019.PDF icon Lopes dos Santos et al_2017_Chloropicophyceae, a new class of picophytoplanktonic prasinophytes.pdf (4.58 MB)
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Stuart RK, Bundy R, Buck K, Ghassemain M, Barbeau K, Palenik B.  2017.  Copper toxicity response influences mesotrophic S ynechococcus community structure. Environmental Microbiology. 19:756–769.PDF icon Stuart et al_2017_Copper toxicity response influences mesotrophic S ynechococcus community.pdf (1.37 MB)
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Santos ALopes dos, Gourvil P, Tragin M, Noël M-H, Decelle J, Romac S, Vaulot D.  2017.  Diversity and oceanic distribution of prasinophytes clade VII, the dominant group of green algae in oceanic waters. The ISME Journal. 11:512–528.PDF icon Lopes dos Santos et al_2017_Diversity and oceanic distribution of prasinophytes clade VII, the dominant.pdf (2.6 MB)
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Weynberg KD, Allen MJ, Wilson WH.  2017.  Marine prasinoviruses and their tiny plankton hosts : A review. Viruses. :1–20.PDF icon Weynberg et al_2017_Marine prasinoviruses and their tiny plankton hosts.pdf (4.59 MB)
Yoo YDu, Seong KAh, Jeong HJin, Yih W, Rho JRae, Nam SWon, Kim HSeop.  2017.  Mixotrophy in the marine red-tide cryptophyte Teleaulax amphioxeia and ingestion and grazing impact of cryptophytes on natural populations of bacteria in Korean coastal waters. Harmful Algae. 68:105–117.PDF icon Yoo et al_2017_Mixotrophy in the marine red-tide cryptophyte Teleaulax amphioxeia and.pdf (1.99 MB)
Balzano S, Percopo I, Siano R, Gourvil P, Chanoine M, Marie D, Vaulot D, Sarno D.  2017.  Morphological and genetic diversity of Beaufort Sea diatoms with high contributions from the Chaetoceros neogracilis species complex. Journal of Phycology. 53:161–187.PDF icon Balzano et al_2017_Morphological and genetic diversity of Beaufort Sea diatoms with high.pdf (3.54 MB)
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