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Bolton CT, Hernández-Sánchez MT, Fuertes M-Á, González-Lemos S, Abrevaya L, Méndez-Vicente A, Flores J-A, Probert I, Giosan L, Johnson J et al..  2016.  Decrease in coccolithophore calcification and CO2 since the middle Miocene. Nature Communications. 7:10284.PDF icon Bolton et al_2016_Decrease in coccolithophore calcification and CO2 since the middle Miocene.pdf (9.1 MB)
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Bestion E, Barton S, García FC, Warfield R, Yvon-Durocher G.  2020.  Abrupt declines in marine phytoplankton production driven by warming and biodiversity loss in a microcosm experiment. Ecology Letters. 23:457–466.PDF icon Bestion et al_2020_Abrupt declines in marine phytoplankton production driven by warming and.pdf (1.26 MB)
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Bendif EMahdi, Probert I, Young JR, von Dassow P.  2015.  Morphological and phylogenetic characterization of new gephyrocapsa isolates suggests introgressive hybridization in the Emiliania/Gephyrocapsa complex (haptophyta). Protist. 166:323–336.PDF icon Bendif et al_2015_Morphological and phylogenetic characterization of new gephyrocapsa isolates.pdf (3.35 MB)
Bendif EMahdi, Probert I, Archontikis OA, Young JR, Beaufort L, Rickaby RE, Filatov D.  2023.  Rapid diversification underlying the global dominance of a cosmopolitan phytoplankton. The ISME Journal. :1–11.PDF icon Bendif et al_2023_Rapid diversification underlying the global dominance of a cosmopolitan.pdf (2.88 MB)
Bendif EMahdi, Probert I, Schroeder DC, de Vargas C.  2013.  On the description of Tisochrysis lutea gen . nov . sp . nov . and Isochrysis nuda sp. nov. in the Isochrysidales, and the transfer of Dicrateria to the Prymnesiales (Haptophyta). Journal of Applied Phycology. 25:1763–1776.PDF icon Bendif et al. - On the description of Tisochrysis lutea gen . nov . sp . nov . and Isochrysis nuda sp. nov. in the Isochrysidales, and t.pdf (944.03 KB)
Bendif EMahdi, Probert I, Díaz-Rosas F, Thomas D, van den Engh G, Young JR, von Dassow P.  2016.  Recent reticulate evolution in the ecologically dominant lineage of coccolithophores. Frontiers in Microbiology. 7PDF icon Bendif et al_2016_Recent reticulate evolution in the ecologically dominant lineage of.pdf (4.89 MB)
Bendif EM, Probert I, Hervé A, Billard C, Goux D, Lelong C, Cadoret JP, Véron B.  2011.  Integrative taxonomy of the pavlovophyceae (haptophyta) : a reassessment. Protist. 162:738–761.PDF icon Bendif et al_2011_Integrative taxonomy of the pavlovophyceae (haptophyta).pdf (1.73 MB)
Bendif EMahdi, Probert I, Carmichael M, Romac S, Hagino K, de Vargas C.  2014.  Genetic delineation between and within the widespread coccolithophore morpho-species Emiliania huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa oceanica (Haptophyta). Journal of Phycology. 50:140–148.PDF icon Bendif et al_2014_Genetic delineation between and within the widespread coccolithophore.pdf (722.8 KB)
Bendif EMahdi, Nevado B, Wong ELY, Hagino K, Probert I, Young JR, Rickaby REM, Filatov DA.  2019.  Repeated species radiations in the recent evolution of the key marine phytoplankton lineage Gephyrocapsa. Nature Communications. 10:4234.PDF icon Bendif et al. - 2019 - Repeated species radiations in the recent evolutio.pdf (830.15 KB)
Ben-Joseph O, de Haan D, Rechav K, Shimoni E, Levin-Zaidman S, Langer G, Probert I, Wheeler GL, Gal A.  2023.  Crystallization of Coccolith Calcite at Different Life-Cycle Phases Exhibits Distinct Degrees of Cellular Confinement. Small Structures. n/a:2200353.PDF icon Ben-Joseph et al. - Crystallization of Coccolith Calcite at Different .pdf (1.8 MB)
Bellec L, Clerissi C, Edern R, Foulon E, Simon N, Grimsley N, Desdevises Y.  2014.  Cophylogenetic interactions between marine viruses and eukaryotic picophytoplankton. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 14:59.PDF icon Bellec et al_2014_Cophylogenetic interactions between marine viruses and eukaryotic.pdf (496.16 KB)
B. Belisle S, Paz AAAvila, Carpenter AR, Cormier TC, Lewis AJ, Menin LS, Oliveira DR, Song B, Szeto A, Tchantouridze EI et al..  2020.  Genome sequences of synechococcus sp. Strain MIT S9220 and cocultured cyanophage SynMITS9220M01. Microbiology Resource Announcements. 9:28–30.PDF icon Belisle et al_2020_Genome sequences of synechococcus sp.pdf (547.86 KB)
