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Decelle J, Probert I, Bittner L, Desdevises Y, Colin S, de Vargas C, Gali M, Simo R, Not F.  2012.  An original mode of symbiosis in open ocean plankton. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109:18000–18005.
Monier A, Welsh RM, Gentemann C, Weinstock G, Sodergren E, E Armbrust V, Eisen JA, Worden AZ.  2012.  Phosphate transporters in marine phytoplankton and their viruses: cross-domain commonalities in viral-host gene exchanges. Environmental Microbiology. 14:162–176.PDF icon Monier et al. - Phosphate transporters in marine phytoplankton and their viruses Cross-domain commonalities in viral-host gene exchanges.pdf (4.82 MB)
Treusch AH, Demir-Hilton E, Vergin KL, Worden AZ, Carlson CA, Donatz MG, Burton RM, Giovannoni SJ.  2012.  Phytoplankton distribution patterns in the northwestern Sargasso Sea revealed by small subunit rRNA genes from plastids. The ISME journal. 6:481–492.PDF icon Treusch et al_2012_Phytoplankton distribution patterns in the northwestern Sargasso Sea revealed.pdf (733.67 KB)
Clerissi C, Desdevises Y, Grimsley N.  2012.  Prasinoviruses of the marine green alga Ostreococcus tauri are mainly species specific. Journal of Virology. 86:4611–4619.PDF icon Clerissi et al_2012_Prasinoviruses of the marine green alga Ostreococcus tauri are mainly species.pdf (894.33 KB)
Baines SB, Twining BS, Brzezinski Ma., Krause JW, Vogt S, Assael D, McDaniel H.  2012.  Significant silicon accumulation by marine picocyanobacteria. Nature Geoscience. 5:886–891.PDF icon Baines et al_2012_Significant silicon accumulation by marine picocyanobacteria.pdf (635.56 KB)
Kulk G, De Vries P, Van De Poll WH, Visser RJW, Buma AGJ.  2012.  Temperature-dependent growth and photophysiology of prokaryotic and eukaryotic oceanic picophytoplankton. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 466:43–55.PDF icon Kulk et al_2012_Temperature-dependent growth and photophysiology of prokaryotic and eukaryotic.pdf (506.33 KB)
Thompson AW, Foster RA, Krupke A, Carter BJ, Musat N, Vaulot D, Kuypers MMM, Zehr JP.  2012.  Unicellular cyanobacterium symbiotic with a single-celled eukaryotic alga. Science. 337:1546–1550.PDF icon Thompson et al. - Unicellular cyanobacterium symbiotic with a single-celled eukaryotic alga(2).pdf (2.25 MB)
Kirkham AR, Jardillier LE, Tiganescu A, Pearman J, Zubkov MV, Scanlan DJ.  2011.  Basin-scale distribution patterns of photosynthetic picoeukaryotes along an Atlantic Meridional Transect. Environmental Microbiology. 13:975–990.PDF icon Kirkham et al_2011_Basin-scale distribution patterns of photosynthetic picoeukaryotes along an.pdf (2.5 MB)
Guillou L.  2011.  Characterization of the Parmales: much more than the resolution of a taxonomic enigma. Journal of Phycology. 47:2–4.PDF icon Guillou_2011_Characterization of the Parmales.pdf (245.73 KB)
Langer G, Bode M.  2011.  CO2 mediation of adverse effects of seawater acidification in Calcidiscus leptoporus. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems. 12:1–8.PDF icon Langer_Bode_2011_CO2 mediation of adverse effects of seawater acidification in Calcidiscus.pdf (839.94 KB)
Reid EL, Worthy CA, Probert I, Ali ST, Love J, Napier J, Littlechild JA, Somerfield PJ, Allen MJ.  2011.  Coccolithophores: Functional biodiversity, enzymes and bioprospecting. Marine Drugs. 9:586–602.PDF icon Reid et al_2011_Coccolithophores.pdf (369.69 KB)
Jeanthon C, Boeuf D, Dahan O, Le Gall F, Garczarek L, Bendif EMahdi, Lehours A-C.  2011.  Diversity of cultivated and metabolically active aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria along an oligotrophic gradient in the Mediterranean Sea. Biogeosciences. 8:1955–1970.PDF icon Jeanthon et al_2011_Diversity of cultivated and metabolically active aerobic anoxygenic.pdf (1.6 MB)
Demir-Hilton E, Sudek S, Cuvelier ML, Gentemann CL, Zehr JP, Worden AZ.  2011.  Global distribution patterns of distinct clades of the photosynthetic picoeukaryote Ostreococcus. The ISME journal. 5:1095–1107.PDF icon Demir-Hilton et al_2011_Global distribution patterns of distinct clades of the photosynthetic.pdf (5.04 MB)
Karpowicz SJ, Prochnik SE, Grossman AR, Merchant SS.  2011.  The GreenCut2 resource, a phylogenomically derived inventory of proteins specific to the plant lineage. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 286:21427–21439.PDF icon Karpowicz et al_2011_The GreenCut2 resource, a phylogenomically derived inventory of proteins.pdf (1.45 MB)
Ota S, Kudo A, Ishida K.  2011.  Gymnochlora dimorpha sp. nov., a chlorarachniophyte with unique daughter cell behaviour.. Phycologia. 50:317–326.PDF icon Ota et al_2011_Gymnochlora dimorpha sp.pdf (2.82 MB)
Luo C, Tsementzi D, Kyrpides NC, Konstantinidis KT.  2011.  Individual genome assembly from complex community short-read metagenomic datasets. The ISME journal. 6:898–901.PDF icon Luo et al_2011_Individual genome assembly from complex community short-read metagenomic.pdf (16 KB)
Bendif EM, Probert I, Hervé A, Billard C, Goux D, Lelong C, Cadoret JP, Véron B.  2011.  Integrative taxonomy of the pavlovophyceae (haptophyta) : a reassessment. Protist. 162:738–761.PDF icon Bendif et al_2011_Integrative taxonomy of the pavlovophyceae (haptophyta).pdf (1.73 MB)
Blot N, Mella-Flores D, Six C, Lecorguille G, Boutte C, Peyrat A, Monnier A, Ratin M, Gourvil P, Campbell DA et al..  2011.  Light history influences the response of the marine cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. WH7803 to oxidative stress. Plant Physiology. 156:1934–1954.PDF icon Blot et al_2011_Light history influences the response of the marine cyanobacterium.pdf (1.37 MB)
Hagino K, Bendif EMahdi, Young J, Kogame K, Takano Y, Probert I, Horiguchi T, de Vargas C, Okada H.  2011.  New evidence for morphological and genetic variation in the cosmopolitan coccolithophore Emiliana huxleyi (prymnesiophyceae) from the cox1b-ATP4 genes. Journal of Phycology. 47:1164–1176.
Gobler CJ, Berry DL, Dyhrman ST, Wilhelm SW, Salamov A, Lobanov AV, Zhang Y, Collier JL, Wurch LL, Kustka AB et al..  2011.  Niche of harmful alga Aureococcus anophagefferens revealed through ecogenomics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108:4352–4357.PDF icon Gobler et al_2011_Niche of harmful alga Aureococcus anophagefferens revealed through ecogenomics.pdf (931.16 KB)
Ishida K-ichiro, Endo H, Koike S.  2011.  Partenskyella glossopodia (Chlorarachniophyceae) possesses a nucleomorph genome of approximately 1 Mbp. Phycological Research. 59:120–122.
Laviale M, Neveux J.  2011.  Relationships between pigment ratios and growth irradiance in 11 marine phytoplankton species. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 425:63–77.PDF icon Laviale_Neveux_2011_Relationships between pigment ratios and growth irradiance in 11 marine.pdf (730.2 KB)
Edvardsen B, Eikrem W, Throndsen J, A. S, Probert I, Medlin L.  2011.  Ribosomal DNA phylogenies and a morphological revision privide the basis for a new taxonomy of Prymnesiales (Haptophyta). European Journal of Phycology. 46:202–228.PDF icon Edvardsen et al_2011_Ribosomal DNA phylogenies and a morphological revision privide the basis for a.pdf (298.42 KB)
Beaufort L, Probert I, de Garidel-Thoron T, Bendif EM, Ruiz-Pino D, Metzl N, Goyet C, Buchet N, Coupel P, Grelaud M et al..  2011.  Sensitivity of coccolithophores to carbonate chemistry and ocean acidification. Nature. 476:80–83.PDF icon Beaufort et al_2011_Sensitivity of coccolithophores to carbonate chemistry and ocean acidification.pdf (621.83 KB)
Rokitta SD, de Nooijer LJ, Trimborn S, de Vargas C, Rost B, John U.  2011.  Transcriptome analyses reveal differential gene expression patterns between the life-cycle stages of Emiliania huxleyi (Haptophyta) and reflect specialization to different ecological niches. Journal of Phycology. 47:829–838.PDF icon Rokitta et al_2011_Transcriptome analyses reveal differential gene expression patterns between the.pdf (240 KB)
