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Marie D, Rigaut-Jalabert F, Vaulot D.  2014.  An improved protocol for flow cytometry analysis of phytoplankton cultures and natural samples. Cytometry. 85:962–968.
Devic M, Mariac C, Vergé V, Schatt P, Dennu L, Lozano J-C, Bouget F-Y, Sabot F.  2023.  An INDEL genomic approach to explore population diversity of phytoplankton : \textit{Bathycoccus , a case study.
Zhang H, Blanco-Ameijeiras S, Hopkinson BM, Bernasconi SM, Mejia LMaria, Liu C, Stoll H.  2021.  An isotope label method for empirical detection of carbonic anhydrase in the calcification pathway of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 292:78–93.
Cardol P, Bailleul B, Rappaport F, Derelle E, Baal D, Breyton C, Bailey S, Wollman FAndré, Grossman A, Moreau H et al..  2008.  An original adaptation of photosynthesis in the marine green alga Ostreococcus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105:7881–7886.
Decelle J, Probert I, Bittner L, Desdevises Y, Colin S, de Vargas C, Gali M, Simo R, Not F.  2012.  An original mode of symbiosis in open ocean plankton. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109:18000–18005.
Fuller NJ, Campbell C, Allen DJ, Pitt FD, Le Gall F, Vaulot D, Scanlan DJ.  2006.  Analysis of photosynthetic picoeukaryote diversity at open ocean sites in the Arabian Sea using a PCR biased towards marine algal plastids. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 43:79–93.
Meng A, Corre E, Probert I, Gutierrez-Rodriguez A, Siano R, Annamale A, Alberti A, Da Silva C, Wincker P, Le Crom S et al..  2018.  Analysis of the genomic basis of functional diversity in dinoflagellates using a transcriptome-based sequence similarity network. Molecular Ecology. :0–2.
Trefault N, de la Iglesia R, Moreno-Pino M, Santos ALopes dos, Ribeiro CGérikas, Parada-Pozo G, Cristi A, Marie D, Vaulot D.  2021.  Annual phytoplankton dynamics in coastal waters from fildes bay, western antarctic peninsula. Scientific Reports. 11:1368.
Wink ALavenant.  2023.  Application of Flow Cytometry and Membrane Inlet Mass Spectrometry as Tools to Assess Dimethyl Sulfide Produced in Emiliania huxleyi (CHC108) Cultures.
Not F, Simon N, Biegala IC, Vaulot D.  2002.  Application of fluorescent in situ hybridization coupled with tyramide signal amplification (FISH-TSA) to assess eukaryotic picoplankton composition. 28:157–166.
Nissimov JI, Campbell CN, Probert I, Wilson WH.  2020.  Aquatic virus culture collection: an absent (but necessary) safety net for environmental microbiologists. Applied Phycology. 00:1–15.
Ni G, Zimbalatti G, Murphy CD, Barnett AB, Arsenault CM, Li G, Cockshutt AM, Campbell DA.  2017.  Arctic Micromonas uses protein pools and non-photochemical quenching to cope with temperature restrictions on Photosystem II protein turnover. Photosynthesis Research. 131:203–220.
Bouquet A, Felix C, Masseret E, Reymond C, Abadie E, Laabir M, Rolland JLuc.  2023.  Artificial Substrates Coupled with qPCR (AS-qPCR) Assay for the Detection of the Toxic Benthopelagic Dinoflagellate Vulcanodinium rugosum. Toxins. 15:217.
Das S, Lizon F, Gevaert F, Bialais C, Duong G, Ouddane B, Souissi S.  2023.  Assessing indicators of arsenic toxicity using variable fluorescence in a commercially valuable microalgae: physiological and toxicological aspects. Journal of Hazardous Materials. :131215.
Jang SHyeon.  2022.  Assessment of biodiversity, global distribution, and putative ecological niches of suessiacean dinoflagellates by DNA metabarcoding. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 10
Pan YJu, Déposé E, Souissi A, Hénard S, Schaadt M, Mastro E, Souissi S.  2020.  Assessments of first feeding protocols on the larviculture of California grunion Leuresthes tenuis (Osteichthyes: Atherinopsidae). Aquaculture Research. 51:3054–3058.
Roux P, Siano R, Collin K, Bilien G, Sinquin C, Marchand L, Zykwinska A, Delbarre-Ladrat C, Schapira M.  2021.  Bacteria enhance the production of extracellular polymeric substances by the green dinoflagellate Lepidodinium chlorophorum. Scientific Reports. 11:1–15.
Abby SS, Touchon M, De Jode A, Grimsley N, Piganeau G.  2014.  Bacteria in Ostreococcus tauri cultures - friends, foes or hitchhikers? Frontiers in microbiology. 5:505.
Deng Y, Yu R, Grabe V, Sommermann T, Werner M, Vallet M, Zerfaß C, Werz O, Pohnert G.  2024.  Bacteria modulate microalgal aging physiology through the induction of extracellular vesicle production to remove harmful metabolites. Nature Microbiology. :1–13.
Crenn K, Duffieux D, Jeanthon C.  2018.  Bacterial epibiotic communities of ubiquitous and abundant marine diatoms are distinct in short- and long-term associations. Frontiers in Microbiology. 9:1–12.
Pollara SB, Becker JW, Nunn BL, Boiteau R, Repeta D, Mudge MC, Downing G, Chase D, Harvey EL, Whalen KE.  2021.  Bacterial Quorum-Sensing Signal Arrests Phytoplankton Cell Division and Impacts Virus-Induced Mortality. mSphere. 6:e00009–21,/msphere/6/3/mSph.00009–21.atom.
Kirkham AR, Jardillier LE, Tiganescu A, Pearman J, Zubkov MV, Scanlan DJ.  2011.  Basin-scale distribution patterns of photosynthetic picoeukaryotes along an Atlantic Meridional Transect. Environmental Microbiology. 13:975–990.
Androuin T, Six C, Bordeyne F, de Bettignies F, Noisette F, Davoult D.  2020.  Better off alone? New insights in the symbiotic relationship between the flatworm Symsagittifera roscoffensis and the microalgae Tetraselmis convolutae Symbiosis.
Everroad C, Six C, Partensky F, Thomas JC, Holtzendorff J, Wood AM.  2006.  Biochemical bases of Type IV chromatic adaptation in marine Synechococcus spp.. Journal of Bacteriology. 188:3345–3356.
Letscher RT, J. Moore K, Martiny AC, Lomas MW.  2023.  Biodiversity and stoichiometric plasticity increase pico-phytoplankton contributions to marine net primary productivity and the biological pump. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. n/a:e2023GB007756.
Churakova Y, Aguilera A, Charalampous E, Conley DJ, Lundin D, Pinhassi J, Farnelid H.  2023.  Biogenic silica accumulation in picoeukaryotes: Novel players in the marine silica cycle. Environmental Microbiology Reports. n/a
Waterbury JB, Watson SW, Valois FW, Franks DG.  1986.  Biological and ecological characterization of the marine unicellular cyanobacterium Synechococcus. Photosynthetic picoplankton. 214:71–120.
Dennu L, Devic M, Rigonato J, Falciatore A, Lozano J-C, Vergé V, Mariac C, Jaillon O, Team TDark Edge, Sabot F et al..  2023.  Biological and genomic resources for the cosmopolitan phytoplankton Bathycoccus: Insights into genetic diversity and major structural variations.
Park SAh, Jeong HJin, Ok J, Kang H, You J, Eom S, Yoo Y, Lee MJoon.  2021.  Bioluminescence capability and intensity in the dinoflagellate Alexandrium species. ALGAE. 36
Cruz JDiogo, Delattre C, Felpeto ABarreiro, Pereira H, Pierre G, Morais J, Petit E, Silva J, Azevedo J, Elboutachfaiti R et al..  2023.  Bioprospecting for industrially relevant exopolysaccharide-producing cyanobacteria under Portuguese simulated climate. Scientific Reports. 13:13561.
Abida H, Ruchaud S, Rios L, Humeau A, Probert I, de Vargas C, Bach S, Bowler C.  2013.  Bioprospecting marine plankton. Marine Drugs. 11:4594–4611.
Guillou L, Chrétiennot-Dinet M.-J., Medlin LK, Claustre H, S de Goër L-, Vaulot D.  1999.  Bolidomonas: a new genus with two species belonging to a new algal class, the Bolidophyceae (Heterokonta). Journal of Phycology. 35:368–381.
Kuwata A, Yamada K, Ichinomiya M, Yoshikawa S, Tragin M, Vaulot D, Santos ALopes dos.  2018.  Bolidophyceae, a sister picoplanktonic group of diatoms – a review. Frontiers in Marine Science. 5:370.
Probert I, Siano R, Poirier C, Decelle J, Biard T, Tuji A, Suzuki N, Not F.  2014.  Brandtodinium gen. nov. and B. nutricula comb. Nov. (Dinophyceae), a dinoflagellate commonly found in symbiosis with polycystine radiolarians. Journal of Phycology. 50:388–399.
Liao S, Yao Y, Wang L, Wang KJ, Amaral-Zettler L, Longo WM, Huang Y.  2020.  C41 methyl and C42 ethyl alkenones are biomarkers for Group II Isochrysidales. Organic Geochemistry. 147:104081.
Fox E, Meyer E, Panasiak N, Taylor AR.  2018.  Calcein staining as a tool to investigate coccolithophore calcification. Frontiers in Marine Science. 5
Benner I, Irwin AJ, Finkel ZV.  2020.  Capacity of the common Arctic picoeukaryote Micromonas to adapt to a warming ocean. Limnology and Oceanography Letters. 5:221–227.
Phelps SR, Hennon GMM, Dyhrman ST, Limón MDHernán, Williamson OM, Polissar PJ.  2021.  Carbon Isotope Fractionation in Noelaerhabdaceae Algae in Culture and a Critical Evaluation of the Alkenone Paleobarometer. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 22:e2021GC009657.
McQuaid JB, Kustka AB, Obornik M, Horak A, McCrow JP, Karas BJ, Zheng H, Kindeberg T, Andersson AJ, Barbeau KA et al..  2018.  Carbonate-sensitive phytotransferrin controls high-affinity iron uptake in diatoms. Nature. 555:534–537.
Paerl RW, Bertrand EM, Rowland E, Schatt P, Mehiri M, Niehaus TD, Hanson AD, Riemann L, Yves-Bouget F.  2018.  Carboxythiazole is a key microbial nutrient currency and critical component of thiamin biosynthesis. Scientific Reports. 8:5940.
Jacquet S, Partensky F, Marie D, Casotti R, Vaulot D.  2001.  Cell cycle regulation by light in Prochlorococcus strains. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 67:782–790.
Gnouma A, Sadovskaya I, Souissi A, Sebai K, Medhioub A, Grard T, Souissi S.  2017.  Changes in fatty acids profile, monosaccharide profile and protein content during batch growth of Isochrysis galbana (T.iso). Aquaculture Research. 48:4982–4990.
Palacio AS, Cabello AMaría, García FC, Labban A, Morán XAnxelu G, Garczarek L, Alonso-Sáez L, López-Urrutia Á.  2020.  Changes in population age-structure obscure the temperature-size rule in marine cyanobacteria. Frontiers in Microbiology. 11:2059.
Mucko M, Padisák J, Udovič MGligora, Pálmai T, Novak T, Medić N, Gašparović B, Štefanić PPeharec, Orlić S, Ljubešić Z.  2020.  Characterization of a lipid-producing thermotolerant marine photosynthetic pico-alga in the genus Picochlorum (Trebouxiophyceae). European Journal of Phycology. 00:1–16.
Foresi N, Correa-Aragunde N, Parisi G, Calo G, Salerno G, Lamattina L.  2010.  Characterization of a nitric oxide synthase from the plant kingdom: NO generation from the green alga Ostreococcus tauri is light irradiance and growth phase dependent. The Plant Cell. 22:3816–3830.
Simon N, Barlow RG, Marie D, Partensky F, Vaulot D.  1994.  Characterization of oceanic photosynthetic picoeukaryotes by flow cytometry analysis. Journal of Phycology. 30:922–935.
Simon N, Barlow RG, Marie D, Partensky F, Vaulot D.  1994.  Characterization of oceanic photosynthetic picoeukaryotes by flow cytometry analysis. Journal of Phycology. 30:922–935.
Guillou L.  2011.  Characterization of the Parmales: much more than the resolution of a taxonomic enigma. Journal of Phycology. 47:2–4.
Rousseau V, Lantoine F, Rodriguez F, Le Gall F, Chrétiennot-Dinet M.-J., Lancelot C.  2013.  Characterization of ¡i¿Phaeocystis globosa¡/i¿ (haptophyceae), the blooming species in the southern north sea. Journal of Sea Research. 76:105–113.
Dorrell RG, Gile G, McCallum G, Méheust R, Bapteste EP, Klinger CM, Brillet-Guéguen L, Freeman KD, Richter DJ, Bowler C.  2017.  Chimeric origins of ochrophytes and haptophytes revealed through an ancient plastid proteome. eLife. 6:1–45.
Santos ALopes dos, Pollina T, Gourvil P, Corre E, Marie D, Garrido JLuis, Rodríguez F, Noël M-H, Vaulot D, Eikrem W.  2017.  Chloropicophyceae, a new class of picophytoplanktonic prasinophytes. Scientific Reports. 7:14019.
