IDENTITY Rhodella_violacea Domain: EukaryotaDivision: RhodophytaClass: RhodellophyceaeOrder: RhodellalesFamily: RhodellaceaeGenus: Rhodella Strain name: PLY470RH Authentic culture: STATUS Clonal: Axenic: Pure: Heterotrophic: Toxic: Transformed: CULTURE CONDITIONSRCC medium: K/2-IRCC temperature: 13.00RCC transfer period weeks: 8.00RCC light: 25 RCC Staff >Details for RCC staff onlyDate entered catalog: Thursday, June 27, 2019Deposit to RCC date: Thursday, July 13, 2017Deposit to rcc by: Schroeder D.
Rhodella_violacea Domain: EukaryotaDivision: RhodophytaClass: RhodellophyceaeOrder: RhodellalesFamily: RhodellaceaeGenus: Rhodella