IDENTITY Synechococcus_sp Domain: BacteriaDivision: CyanophytaClass: CyanophyceaeOrder: SynechococcalesFamily: SynechococcaceaeGenus: Synechococcus Clade: subcluster 5.1 - clade IIIaStrain name: WH8102Strain name synonyms: CCMP2370 Authentic culture: STATUS Clonal: Axenic: Pure: Heterotrophic: Toxic: Symbiotic: Transformed: MORPHOLOGYCell shape: coccoidLength: 1.00Cell motility: motile ORIGINSampling ocean: Atlantic OceanSampling regional sea: Caribbean SeaSampling country: International watersSampling ecosystem: pelagicSampling cruise: Oceanus 92Sampling date: Sunday, March 15, 1981Isolation by: Waterbury J.Isolation method: Cell enrichment liquid and solid CULTURE CONDITIONSRCC medium: PCR-S11-Red SeaRCC temperature: 20.00RCC transfer period weeks: 3.00RCC light: 100Phenotype pigment: Syn type 3cRemark: Genome sequenced by JGI RCC Staff >Details for RCC staff onlyDate entered catalog: Monday, June 3, 2002Isolation medium: SNAX+F/40Isolation light: 20Deposit to RCC date: Monday, April 12, 2010Deposit to rcc by: D. Scanlan
Synechococcus_sp Domain: BacteriaDivision: CyanophytaClass: CyanophyceaeOrder: SynechococcalesFamily: SynechococcaceaeGenus: Synechococcus