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Luo C, Tsementzi D, Kyrpides NC, Konstantinidis KT.  2011.  Individual genome assembly from complex community short-read metagenomic datasets. The ISME journal. 6:898–901.PDF icon Luo et al_2011_Individual genome assembly from complex community short-read metagenomic.pdf (16 KB)
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López-Pacheco IY, Ayala-Moreno VGuadalupe, Mejia-Melara CArlette, Rodríguez-Rodríguez J, Cuellar-Bermudez SP, González-González RBerenice, Coronado-Apodaca KG, Farfan-Cabrera LI, González-Meza GMaría, Iqbal HMN et al..  2023.  Growth Behavior, Biomass Composition and Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAMEs) Production Potential of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, and Chlorella vulgaris Cultures. Marine Drugs. 21:450.PDF icon López-Pacheco et al. - 2023 - Growth Behavior, Biomass Composition and Fatty Aci.pdf (2.38 MB)
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Liu H, Aris-Brosou S, Probert I, de Vargas C.  2010.  A timeline of the environmental genetics of the haptophytes. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 27:171–176.
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Liao S, Novak J, Huang Y.  2023.  Exploring the theoretical upper temperature limit of alkenone unsaturation indices: Implications for paleotemperature reconstructions. Organic Geochemistry. 180:104606.PDF icon Liao et al_2023_Exploring the theoretical upper temperature limit of alkenone unsaturation.pdf (2.71 MB)
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Lepelletier F, Karpov SA, Le Panse S, Bigeard E, Skovgaard A, Jeanthon C, Guillou L.  2014.  Parvilucifera rostrata sp. nov., a novel parasite in the phylum Perkinsozoa that infects the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum (Dinophyceae). Protist. 165:31–49.PDF icon Lepelletier et al_2014_Parvilucifera rostrata sp.pdf (17.84 MB)
Lepelletier F, Karpov SA, Alacid E, Le Panse S, Bigeard E, Garcés E, Jeanthon C, Guillou L.  2014.  Dinomyces arenysensis gen. et sp. nov. (rhizophydiales, dinomycetaceae fam. nov.), a chytrid infecting marine dinoflagellates. Protist. 165:230–244.PDF icon Lepelletier et al_2014_Dinomyces arenysensis gen.pdf (16.28 MB)
