

Strains available

Displaying 1 - 15 of 15

RCC# Class Order Genus Species Strain name Sampling ocean Distributed Cryopreserved Lost
RCC782 Bacillariophyceae Bacillariales Cylindrotheca Cylindrotheca_closterium I 16 Atlantic Ocean
RCC1713 Bacillariophyceae Bacillariales Cylindrotheca Cylindrotheca_closterium RA080513-02 Atlantic Ocean
RCC1875 Bacillariophyceae Bacillariales Cylindrotheca Cylindrotheca_closterium RE090421-GT-N20-G Atlantic Ocean
RCC1950 Bacillariophyceae Bacillariales Cylindrotheca Cylindrotheca_closterium Do son 4-5A Pacific Ocean
RCC1985 Bacillariophyceae Bacillariales Cylindrotheca Cylindrotheca_closterium MALINA FT42.3 PG4 Arctic Ocean
RCC2552 Bacillariophyceae Bacillariales Cylindrotheca Cylindrotheca_closterium Sipadan M5-14 Pacific Ocean
RCC2625 Bacillariophyceae Bacillariales Cylindrotheca Cylindrotheca_closterium CEFAS 04FLGMPA4 Atlantic Ocean
RCC2627 Bacillariophyceae Bacillariales Cylindrotheca Cylindrotheca_closterium CEFAS 04FLGMPB4 Atlantic Ocean
RCC6042 Bacillariophyceae Bacillariales Cylindrotheca Cylindrotheca_closterium RA5-PG3-A3 Atlantic Ocean
RCC7066 Bacillariophyceae Bacillariales Cylindrotheca Cylindrotheca_closterium NCC106 D-Cyl.clo 2 Atlantic Ocean
RCC7864 Bacillariophyceae Bacillariales Cylindrotheca Cylindrotheca_closterium BS26 Mediterranean Sea
RCC7878 Bacillariophyceae Bacillariales Cylindrotheca Cylindrotheca_closterium WAP12a Southern Ocean
RCC7882 Bacillariophyceae Bacillariales Cylindrotheca Cylindrotheca_closterium WAP23a Southern Ocean
RCC11138 Bacillariophyceae Bacillariales Cylindrotheca Cylindrotheca_closterium TCD6 Mediterranean Sea
RCC11143 Bacillariophyceae Bacillariales Cylindrotheca Cylindrotheca_closterium TCD12 Mediterranean Sea

Sequences available

Displaying 1 - 11 of 11

RCC# Genbank accession Gene name Species Strain name Sampling ocean Genbank organism
RCC782 LN735462 16S rRNA Cylindrotheca_closterium I 16 Atlantic Ocean Cylindrotheca closterium
RCC1713 KT861112 18S rRNA Cylindrotheca_closterium RA080513-02 Atlantic Ocean Cylindrotheca closterium
RCC1875 KT861091 18S rRNA Cylindrotheca_closterium RE090421-GT-N20-G Atlantic Ocean Cylindrotheca closterium
RCC1950 LN735304 16S rRNA Cylindrotheca_closterium Do son 4-5A Pacific Ocean Bacillariophyceae sp. RCC1950
RCC1950 KT861069 18S rRNA Cylindrotheca_closterium Do son 4-5A Pacific Ocean Cylindrotheca closterium
RCC1985 JF794039 18S rRNA Cylindrotheca_closterium MALINA FT42.3 PG4 Arctic Ocean
RCC1985 JQ995403 28S rRNA Cylindrotheca_closterium MALINA FT42.3 PG4 Arctic Ocean Cylindrotheca closterium
RCC2552 KT861119 18S rRNA Cylindrotheca_closterium Sipadan M5-14 Pacific Ocean Cylindrotheca closterium
RCC2625 KT861151 18S rRNA Cylindrotheca_closterium CEFAS 04FLGMPA4 Atlantic Ocean Cylindrotheca closterium
RCC2627 KT861152 18S rRNA Cylindrotheca_closterium CEFAS 04FLGMPB4 Atlantic Ocean Cylindrotheca closterium
RCC6042 MK542674 18S rRNA Cylindrotheca_closterium RA5-PG3-A3 Atlantic Ocean Cylindrotheca closterium