The influence of bio-optical properties of Emiliania huxleyi and Tetraselmis sp. on biomass and lipid production when exposed to different light spectra and intensities of an adjustable LED array and standard light sources

TitleThe influence of bio-optical properties of Emiliania huxleyi and Tetraselmis sp. on biomass and lipid production when exposed to different light spectra and intensities of an adjustable LED array and standard light sources
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsGranata T, Habermacher P, Härri V, Egli M
JournalSN Applied Sciences
Date Publishedjun
KeywordsBio-optical properties, Biomass and lipid production, jel classification q42, mathematics subject classification 92c99, rcc1210, RCC2604, Spectral irradiance